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Everything posted by Highway6

  1. Structurally it could be done. In concept its not too far off from the Beijing CCTV bldg Address-wise shouldn't be an issue. The Pavillions are on 3 different block; Houston center is on 2 blocks including the full height of offices over Caroline St. Development-wise though, I think we've had plenty off threads discussing if 100 story could ever happen. While you may not be envisioning that high, I think building essentially 3 skyscrapers of 50+ stories might not be financially possible right now. I don't know. Sketchup-wise. I'd have to look at your model, but remember the simplest plane is a triangle. Curved surfaces are a fun challenge. Solid that twist are an even bigger challenge. If you want your building to be visible as a solid, and not a wire frame, you'll need a couple thousand more triangles.
  2. I believe I've seen mentioned on here that the East End and the Heights were essentially sister neighborhoods established at the same time. Wiki articles seem to indicate the East End residential neighborhoods slightly predated the Heights. Can anyone, sevfiv, firm up the timeline here? I wonder if the change from 1st-16th to 65st-81st had anything to do with the fact that another numbered street grid was taking root in the Heights and spreading north, currently 4th-43rd. Maybe it got to the point that the City decided they didn't want a dozen plus streets with the same name in two parts of town. Still, seems strange to have two areas, on opposites poles of a city, established approx the same time, share street names. Interesting topic. _____________ Guess I've answered some of my own question here. Forgot that Harrisburg, current East End, was originally its own town and annexed in '26. Looks like the Heights, also a separate municipality, was annexed in the 20s as well. Makes sense, Houston takes over 2 towns with numbered street grids, one of them has to be changed.
  3. Holy hell that was an amazing game.
  4. The drag was funny. Boise St is favored by 30+ every week. I've bet against them before and paid. What made me change my mind this time was seeing the espn article a couple hours ago that mentioned the possibility of snow or freezing rain. I figured there might be a chance of a lower scoring game than usual. BS's 2 turnovers are proving me right thus far. As for OKie St. Sometime ya gotta pick what ya want to happen or what ya need to happen. It helps the Aggies small yet possible division title chances if OSU loses this game. Kansas sucks as usual.. This was a Heart pick, not a head pick... here's hoping for a miracle.
  5. My last second change was tonight's game. I'm either gonna look like a complete idiot, or a genius.
  6. I typically take less than 5 minutes making my picks each week. I had only 4 underdogs picked an hour ago.. I changed one pick when i issued the heads up here because it seems so weird to only have 4.
  7. weird week i think.. it seems i didnt have so many underdogs picked as usual.
  8. first game in an hour.. 5 ppl dont have their picks in,
  9. Friday evening game this week as well... Get your picks in.
  10. I was under the impression that Embassy's land extended the width of the block to Lamar as well. NIche revealing otherwise is the obvious answer as to why the building fronts the way it does. It's not just the likelihood of something being built there that is the problem. If the Embassy only has 2 street access, not 3 like I thought, they have to front where they have access. Even more important is the rectangular shape of the site. All your hotel rooms are going to face out the long sides or the rectangle. The site dictates that the back faces the park. That being said, the ugly crowd's main complaint is with the big bare wall, which translates to lack of glazing. If you remember from the construction photos, 1/3 of that wall is the emergency stairwell.. placed there because one is typically located in a back corner. They also have a shear wall there on the left. While the typical liner hotel room does not have glazing on the sides (thats where you have your furniture), the front of the hotel shows it certainly is possible and desired if you're building suites. Why are these not bigger suites on the back left corner which would allow for more side glazing? I'm sure there an economic formula that hotels deal with that dictate the % of suites but the most likely answer is that it is the back of the site/interior of the block. While it in unlikely, Discover Tower's multistory entrance cube demonstrates it is possible to build something, part of a building, on such a small area of land that would obstruct those suite's views, esp if one developer were to buy the rest of the block.
  11. And this only proves that some people are incompetent buffons that have no idea how the process works. The developer/owner wants what he wants. He gets the final say. An architect can try to talk him out of it, but ultimatly an architects job is to satisfy the needs and desires of the customer... IF they don't, they'll be kicked to the curb and replaced by an another architect that will play ball. You're repeated misguided anger is laughable. Developing is a business.. Viva Capitalism. I don't know why the hell the building faces the way it does, but I'm sure the developer and architects had their reasons, so i don't care. --------------------------- I'm not naming any names here... but in my opinion, someone here has a firm stranglehold on "Most Worthless Haif Contributor" 2010 award.
  12. While I like the rusted steel, we all know they're gonna paint it. Anyone know what color it will be painted or care to make a guess ? While i agree with both of you that the design is a natural fit with the bayou, I wouldn't mind seeing a vibrant color chosen. It would be an unexpected surprise in our city of neutral colors. I'm rooting for Canary Yellow.
  13. I disagree. It's better than the twisty design they previously had. It's going to be quite pleasant, when its done, jogging through the tree tops.
  14. Oh thank God.. I was getting so sick and tired of the Points 80s and 90s classic hits. Now we FINALLY have the alternative hits of the 80s and 90s instead. Thank you, the Zone. Now if only we had a station for 80s and 90s regular hits. Seriously.. how can someone get excited about this ?
  15. so.. upon reaching the full lot... you crossed the street to park... you didn't drive almost a 1/4 mile in a circle through a left turn signal to park.... thank you for making my case for me.
  16. That article made me want to dig around to see if Ronnie Self finally had a webpage.. and voila, he now does. http://www.ronnieself.com/ has more photos of that house, for those interested.
  17. sorry i misread your post... but i stand by my observations of most other inner loop grocery store parking lots and the more likely scenario that a full parking lot will send shoppers across the street as opposed to several blocks away, in a circle, through a left turn light. I understand where you're coming from though.. sidegate debating a side gate.. I would expect nothing less
  18. That HEB is the exception... If you remember from the meeting, The Buffalo Speedway HEB parking lot is way undersized due to site constraints. Fiesta.. never full. Disco Kroger.. very small lot and still not ever completely full. Westheimer Randalls.. never full. West Gray Krogers.. never full. Still.. assuming this HEB does become so popular that parking is an issue What scenario is more likely? A ) A driver, upon reaching the full HEB lot, gets back on Alabama, waits at a L turn signal at Woodhead, to then park on Sul Ross/Branard. B ) That driver, upon reaching the full HEB lot, crosses Dunlavy to the usually empty Fiesta lot. I just don't see the SullRoss/Branard parking lot extension issue as an issue
  19. Have you ever seen a grocery store parking lot full ? I'm not sure the adjoining streets have much to worry about .
  20. Thanks for sharing that article... I've always hoped Ronnie's house would get published someday so that we could see some interior shots.
  21. Why would I, a Montrose resident, want a Dem/Rep, who has lived in Jersey Village for the past decade and decides he'll have a better chance of getting a council seat by moving to Montrose, to represent me in City Council ?
  22. Compared to the Redlight prop and the water tax prop, Prop 2 has gotten little love by the media or in HAIF. I wouldn't have read much into it either. The reasoning on the ballot - "Shall the City Charter of the City of Houston be amended to provide that for the general election to be held in November 2011, and for the purpose of redistricting, the required period of residency to file for the office of District Council Member shall be reduced from 12 months to 6 months preceding the election day? " I think Larry's point is still valid... who care about the redistricting rationale if you still feel like 6 months or 12 months is too short a residency requirement for councilmen making decisions about Houstonians.
  23. well.. looks like Sevfiv knows politics about as well as she knows college football.. Congrats. Scoreboard. With 8 House seats still undecided, the only possible change to our competition would jump Irontiger from 4th to 2nd if the Republicans pick up 5 of those seats.
  24. I believe it is "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades" ... but hey... close enough
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