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Everything posted by Highway6

  1. I actually like his articles. He gave us some credit... he gave us pretty good marks too when he wrote his superbowl article. Also, some of his remarks he comes about honestly.. Traffic this week was horrendous.. especially around the Galleria area. Reading his article, he seemd like he had a good time overall.. he just wishes that good time wasn't in Houston. He is a big Boston fan. He loves that city and any sports team from that city. Anybody that reads him regularly knows this and knows that he deosnt try to hide his bias. So yah.. take his articles for what they are.. and just realize that anyone that reads his articles normally (regulars on ESPN.com)also know of his continual bias.
  2. Not a prob... It just doesnt occur to lots of people. I deleted my post.. ya might wanna do the same.. or least the quote of mine.. It occured to me.. putting up a billboard with your name and the problem wasn't too bright either.
  3. My frustration is not with MLS.. it is with the owner of our team that is giving in to one part of his fan base to the detriment of the whole fan base. My frustration is not with the entire Mexican-American community... it is with those in that community that put the Mexican part before the American part. I actually am not a soccer fan... yet. Same with hockey. As a guy that has lived in Houston most his life, I've never had the local exposure to either. I root for US and Italian teams in the olympics for hockey or whatever other sport is going on. If its Italians vs Americans, I root for the American team to demolish the Italian team. Same holds true for World Cup soccer. I have always seen soccer just as much as a European sport as Hispanic sport. As a sports fan, my first love with always be Astros baseball and Aggie football, I do however love the fact that Houston is getting a MLS team, and look forward to going to games and learning the sport. As a Houston and Texas fan, I was even more hooked on the idea of of soccer coming to Houston when the name Houston 1836 was released... becasue I take pride in being a Houstonian and Texan. I would not be a Houstonian or Texan had we not won our independence from Mexico. Also... remember this. Just prior to Texas earning its independence from Mexico, Mexico earned its independence from Spain. They did not hold on to being Mexican Spaniards, or New World Spaniards.. They were Mexicans. Same should be true for all Texans, no matter what ones ethnic heritage is.
  4. America used to be a melting pot. Now it is a bunch of groups that hate America for one reason or another. This is another example of the overly sensitive, pansification of America, PC times we live in. United States is not seen as a community of individuals, but as an array of groups, each whose demands must be met, often to the detriment of another group. If Mexican Americans are offended at this... Why are they here? This is so ridiculous that we have to pander to groups that raise a stink like this. If they are offended about this, then they have conflicting national allegiances and need to leave. Texas Won. America won. Mexico lost. Period. Texans should not have to feel ashamed at history.... If you live here now, You are Texan and you are American... totally independant of your ethnic origins. Why is it some ethnic groups can't balance who they are now with who they were? In a country as diverse as ours, we will always have race problems because certain ethnicities refuse to be color blind. Our country has forever shifted from melting pot of peoples to multi-cultural mosaic.. and we will forever have problems like this. I am Italian American. I'n very proud of my Sicilian heritage. I do not get upset at the thought of some of my ancestors fighting on the wrong side of history during WW II. Im proud to be Italian. I'm even more proud to be American and Texan. Whats worse is not that the Mexican American community is bitching. It's that MLS and the team owners will give in, all becasue of the hispanice fan base here. What.. us White people and Yellow people and Black people aren't soccer fans in Houston? How many other MLS team cities have to worry bout their hispanic fan base? Soccer is not a hispanic sport. It is a world sport. The Chicago Fire. Another great MLS team name marking an important event in that cities history. Tragic event.. yes. But an event that forever transformed Chicago and led it to become the great city it is today.. YES ! Chicago is not ashamed of its history. Texans should nto be ashamed of ours either. What is next? Are we going to have to change the name of our great city because Mexican Americans are offended at living in a city named for the hero of the Texas Independence ?
  5. Sure.. Feel free to use em. I'm not sure how much helicopter rentals are. My mother actually just renewed her small plane pilots license after like a 25 year absense. I was her test passenger I know the Ground School at Weiser airport out 290 has this 'Discovery Flight' program for like around $40. Basically they go up with you, do the take off.. then put the controls in your hands for half an hr. Sorrta a 'crashcourse' in leanring to fly. Its meant to get people interested enough to start taking flying lessons. Though.. the Discovery Flights fly outside the city limits.. so I'm not sure they would work if you wanted to use it as a means to photograph the city.
  6. Here are some photos I snapped while flying along the I-10 Corridor in a Cessna. I know these aren't the best photos.. but it is a perspective of the city not everyone gets to see.. so Enjoy. Hopefully, next time I go up, I'll have a newer camera and clearer skies. Looking down the West Loop towards the Galleria Area. Memorial Park Memorial Heights, Rice Military, and Eleanor Tinsley Park. Downtown
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