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Everything posted by Spacecityroller

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhsMHwVsfNE Someone did a video of the purple line.
  2. Your right, but the issue is the rail line that crosses Richmond right there. It would require a grade separation for the light rail, either a bridge or an underpass. I think they could make a bridge look nice.
  3. Thats backwards Metro bought the row and then sold the portion used for the toll road later. In 2014 they sold even more of the row to the FB toll road authority. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/transportation/article/Westpark-expansion-to-proceed-with-Metro-land-sale-5281369.php
  4. I found this article. http://res.dallasnews.com/interactives/buffalobayou/
  5. The farthest back I can remember, it use to be a Sam's club. Then later turned into a walmart. It had a taco bell and kfc in front of it at the corner.
  6. I agree, if richmond and uptown never get built then go full bore a subway from like Voss & Westheimer to DT with stops at chimneyrock, galleria, weslayan. Then curves NE with a stop at Shepard and Grey, then w dallas & waugh and then allen pkwy and montrose then memorial and houston finally in DT at Capital & Main. 9 miles about http://lightrailnow.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/new-subway-metro-systems-cost-nearly-9-times-as-much-as-light-rail/ I would guess 450mil/mile so 4.05 billion. Slightly lower construction cost in Hou.
  7. Its a for profit venture so the market or a study of the market will decide weather or not its worth the extra expense. I'm sure they will study every possible way they can make a profit on the HSR line.
  8. Your right. But they could add a 3rd track at each of those stations and have a local airport run with a smaller train set. The headways are 30 min after all. Heck add another stop near the Woodlands and erect a giant parking garage with another station with 3 sets of tracks there also for a local commuter/airport run. That sounds like alot of people would use that.
  9. IAH is a long way from the CBD. This group is planning HSR from DFW to Houston. Here is a link to the recent story about the group (TexasCentralHSR). This group stated they plan on mainly using existing freight line ROW. And they have private financing, not government financing. My guess is it will be elevated within the major population centers. http://transportationblog.dallasnews.com/2013/08/tom-schieffers-name-gives-octane-to-texas-high-speed-rail-project.html/ The reason why I bring this up here is why not have the Houston terminus for this HSR line be at the burnett transit center and have a stop near IAH with shuttle busses between that stop and the airport. Here is an illustration showing what I mean. How does that sound? The red line I drew was along existing freight ROW and the section within 610 is also along the portion of land they plan on using to extend the Hardy Toll Road into downtown.
  10. Ted Poe said that the money is allocated for transportation. I have no doubt that this money will be spent for some transportation project. It won't be saved, used to pay down the debt, or just cut. So the question is do we take the money that they have allocated for this project, or do we not and it be sent to a transportation project in another city/state.
  11. I agree, they should either have the rail go under or over Shepard and Greenbriar. Maybe similar to what they have in the medcenter intersections of Main/Holcomb and Holcomb/Fannin.
  12. Here is a pic they posted on http://www.gometrorail.org/go/doc/2491/1333895/North-Line-Construction-Photos
  13. This is the most cost efficient route. I like the idea of submerging the line once it gets near Hobby.
  14. http://www.chron.com/default/article/Editorial-Why-is-one-man-blocking-Houston-s-2027820.php I found this tidbit. I think the Tom Delay federal funding block for Houston light rail at the time is what caused the money to go to Dallas or Dallas and Houston should have both been funded, either way it was not funded at that time. This may be what people are talking about. It wasn't a lot of money but was still a successful way of delaying the effort to become eligible for more funding. I'll look further, its friday and nothing else planned anyway
  15. Here's an article where it seems like funds went to San Fran instead of Houston in the last minute. http://www.chron.com/default/article/Rail-backers-question-whether-DeLay-Culberson-1942458.php
  16. http://www.chron.com/opinion/editorials/article/Metro-faces-increasing-competition-for-federal-1675977.php I'll look to see if i can find a better article with a more clear picture of what actually happened.
  17. I found this article regarding an earlier proposal for lightrail in Houston during the time when Kathy Whitmire was mayor. The mayor before Bob Lanier. I don't know what part this plays. I'll look further. http://www.nytimes.com/1988/01/18/us/rail-system-plan-backed-by-houston-voters.html But, this vote seems like the moment that the 25% of the 1cent that was to go to transit was given over to the local governments for road improvements for 13 years.
  18. I find it very relevant. Please stop trying to speak for everyone.
  19. Found these images of the Hughes Underpass. More images in this pdf. http://www.gometrorail.org/external/content/document/2491/1511583/1/East%20End%20CAB%20-%20Hughes%20Underpass%20Presentation%208.7.12.pdf I was wondering what it would look like. I wonder when they will start excavation.
  20. http://www.uh.edu/af/docs/CFP/120711_CougarPlaceReplacement.pdf
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