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Slick Vik

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Everything posted by Slick Vik

  1. Definitely southwest ceo wants to charge
  2. Old news. Southwest is sending out surveys asking how people would feel if only one free bag was allowed.
  3. Depends the sfo-New York routes have heavy competition.
  4. That's because of route competition (lack thereof) mergers between airlines and landing and parking fees. And as I said houston is not a destination for any tourist so there isn't a reason for prices to fly here to be high.
  5. My point is besides a few people walking their dogs it's as if nobody lives in that building looking from the outside in
  6. That's true they should've left the apartments up until the construction started. Those are probably the last affordable apartments in the hot areas of houston and they were producing rent.
  7. That's because sf is a bigger destination than houston
  8. Nobody is calling them ungrateful but apartments themselves don't bring street activity it's retail and bike/walking lanes and people willing to walk and bike.
  9. Delhi Passenger movements 36,876,986 Bombay Passenger movements 32,221,395 Calcutta Passenger movements 10,100,232
  10. Delhi and Bombay are the most important airports in India, I wouldn't put Calcutta in the same league.
  11. Can an airplane go to Delhi from here? Even if it was available I think most people would still take one stop because the nonstop price is higher. Look at New York market for instance.
  12. Turkish is same way. They don't care if they lose money they want market share. Good for customers.
  13. People from japan have a lot of other countries they could go to see high speed rail as well.
  14. The riverwalk is 10 miles long now with bike paths along the sides. It was a long project done by the use army core of engineers with habitat restoration. Absolutely beautiful.
  15. Have you seen the riverwalk recently it's quite nice after the expansion
  16. It's not just that but some people just don't want to spend a lot on rent regardless of salary.
  17. For one person 3000 a month is a $55,000 salary roughly that's not bad
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