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Everything posted by gazpacho70

  1. Sounds like the plans have misfired. On tv right now it does not sound very good.
  2. Who is going attend the Chase building tour tomorrow?
  3. So, for a final tally, who's going to the Chase building tomorrow?
  4. Does not matter where, just the when is what we need now!
  5. Yea, my days off are Tue and Wed. But I can take off if I know in advance.
  6. Weekday if all possible, but anytime would be ok with a little advance notice.
  7. Great Idea! Let's set this plan into motion, everyone who wants to do this ASAP should post and say when we should grt together.
  8. So true, let's get this together and get our group thing started. Name a time and place and i'm there!
  9. This would be fun if we could get this thing together, I work downtown so I get to see it all the time. We could walk around and look at the buildings and stop along the way and eat while we are out looking around.
  10. I found an old book at the Downtown public library on old Houston fallout shelters, "The Community Shelter Plan." I have been out looking around town to see if any of the buildings where the shelters were still exist. Some are gone, but i have been to many of the building that do still exist, I hve not got to the shelter part of the buildings yet. If anyone else has heard about these old shelters or has been into any of them please let me know.
  11. I took the pictures on Sunday July 19 2005. I read that the expected move in date for residents is Sept 1, 2005
  12. The security guard who was on duty saw me taking pictures out front and he asked if I wanted to look around inside. We went to all the floors. Kitchen cabinets and mircowave were already inatalled in the appartment units we went into. Floors still need to be redone. Felt very creepy inside the hospital. Did not take any pictures inside, but i'm going to go back and see if the guard will let me look around again.
  13. Someone let me know how to post pictures on here. I took some new pictures of JDH on 07-10-2005. Thanks.
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