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Status Updates posted by editor

  1. HAIFy New Year, everyone!

  2. Is that an iPhone in your pocket, or are you just glad to see HAIF:App?

  3. HAIF has 399 Facebook fans. Will you be #400?

    1. editor


      Welcome, Randy Scott -- the 400th fan of HAIF on Facebook!

  4. There will be another HAIF forum software upgrade today. If you notice anything broken or odd, please let me know.

    1. AtticaFlinch


      Having intermittent issues with posting replies taking me back to the New Content screen rather than making the post. Anyone else?

  5. Thanks to Highway6 for the new icons now starting to appear on HAIF!

    1. Pumapayam


      Where is lockmat now so we can throw it in his face.

  6. Both + and - reputation points have been restored. And now you can see who rated you and how.

    1. brijonmang


      Play nice everyone...

  7. You can now sign up or log in to HAIF with your Twitter or Facebook accounts.

    1. editor


      By the way -- you can now REPLY to other people's statuses. Interesting.

    2. lockmat


      I like this

    3. Pumapayam


      'Bout time your liked it Lockmat!

  8. Facebook integration works again. You can now log in or join HAIF with your Facebook account.

  9. Software upgrade is continuing. Check Twitter and Facebook for updates.

  10. I'll never understand why people complain about HAIF in these temporary status messages instead of actually contacting me about their problem.

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