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NSA has their eyes on you

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Does anyone else think this is chilling when the government is installing super monitoring systems for ALL of the internet traffic? Or is it just my run of the mill paranoia about everything?

Are we so intent on catching 'boogey men' that we give up everything ... apparently including general and personal web browsing?



Whistle-blower Had to Fight NSA, LA Times to Tell Story

March 06, 2007 10:53 AM

Brian Ross and Vic Walter Report:

Klein_splitter_nr Whistle-blower AT&T technician Mark Klein says his effort to reveal alleged government surveillance of domestic Internet traffic was blocked not only by U.S. intelligence officials but also by the top editors of the Los Angeles Times.

In his first broadcast interview, which can be seen tonight on World News and Nightline, Klein describes how he stumbled across "secret NSA rooms" being installed at an AT&T switching center in San Francisco and later heard of similar rooms in at least six other cities, including Atlanta, San Diego, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, San Jose and Seattle.

Full article here: http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/0...leblower_h.html

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I'm amazed that so few people think this is more unwanted and unwarranted government intrusion in our lives.

Especially the Conservatives who rail against Big Government but have no problem with Big Government invading their private lives.

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When they eroded the 2nd Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we don't own guns.

When they chipped away at the 4th Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we didn't deal drugs.

When they circumvented the 6th Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we were innocent.

Now they are assaulting the 1st Amendment,

and very soon,

if we continue to be quiet,

we will have no choice,

but to continue to be quiet.

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When they eroded the 2nd Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we don't own guns.

When they chipped away at the 4th Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we didn't deal drugs.

When they circumvented the 6th Amendment,

we were quiet,

because we were innocent.

Now they are assaulting the 1st Amendment,

and very soon,

if we continue to be quiet,

we will have no choice,

but to continue to be quiet.

...........and just how quiet were you when 9/11 happened ? When you found out that Bin Laden could have been had a few years prior did you wish that our CIA and NSA "spooks" would have gotten him ? Freedom is not FREE ! In order to achieve Liberty, liberties must be taken to protect the people.

Look at it this way, if you were a sniper, and you were about to take out your target to protect your family and friends and it meant the security of the free world, would you want some "whistleblower" goin' "HEY, KIM JON IL, THERE"S A SNIPER UP HERE ABOUT TO SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD, LOOK LOOK!" Now, would that be ok, or would you shoot that squealer first then take out Kim Jon Il ? ;)

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