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Everything posted by UtterlyUrban

  1. A few pictures of the old building here https://blog.chron.com/bayoucityhistory/2010/03/sam-houston-high-school-old/ and some nice history.
  2. There is significant truth in this. And, retail is often faster (especially for clothing) and arguably better environmentally, than shipping me 8 pairs of pants from 5 stores only for me to try them on, keep one, and ship them all back for “free”.
  3. I find Mr Eury’s discussion on retail enlightening but depressing. this document was published 5 years ago and fully executed on by the taxpayer: http://www.downtowndistrict.org/static/media/uploads/downtown_retail_task_force_report_sept_12_2013_online.pdf yet, I read into Mr. Eury’s comments that it isn’t working: Hard and soft goods Retail is not coming. Heck, Mr. Eury now seems to see the tunnels as a “night time” shopping solution. Perhaps the author of the article didn’t capture Mr. Eury’s sentiments properly. Perhaps I am interpreting the words wrong. Or perhaps i’m not.
  4. Why would New parking garages bring more “in town visitors”? Was there a shortage of parking that kept “in town visitors” away?
  5. Just as a follow-on,....... For all you graphic artists..... what are the trademark/copyright laws that apply to this? I see some developers use “brand” names on the building’s in their rendering and others don't. Can any developer plaster a rendering with the trademark/tradename or copyrighted symbols of a brand? Or, is that not allowed? i’m curious and I could use a good education.
  6. All this talk of other locations to put this project is interesting to me. But, this is houston, and it likely going at 1209 Montrose.
  7. Have the landlords continued this practice of renting rooms like a hotel?
  8. There are some things left best up to 8 year olds to play with innthe school yard.
  9. 9 floors of parking for 9 floors of residents? Does that seem odd to anyone other than me? Is it a tiny little lot or something?
  10. Amy, when they took down the Macy’s building, my office was across the street. Before construction started going vertical, they needed to jackhammer something. Seems like it went on for a couple months........
  11. The facts will come out over time and allow me to assess whom I believe. That said, I wonder if GT Leach can put a lien on the HOA? I have no idea how that works here in Texas (or anywhere else for that matter). Can they?
  12. These would be nice: IAH to Paris IAH to Berlin IAH to zurich IAHto Vienna IAH to Milan Actually, what I would really want is for the international flights from the Entire NY Hub (and most of Washasington DC’s) to be picked up and moved to Houston. That would be good!!! Oh, and they could toss in Chicago and San Fran too. One giant superhub that would allow me to always flight direct. YES! Oh, I will put the ‘ludes down now.
  13. I thought that folks on this forum schooled me that “food halls” were different than “food courts” because “food halls” didn’t have chain restaurants but instead had more “curated” foods from local chefs......
  14. Is there any real chance that they can start turning dirt with 15 months? as is often the case, time is in the favor of the opposition. The longer this can be delayed the less likely that it will ever be built.
  15. Yep. And I would further imagine that the final building design changes will have significant constraints too as the stresses/loads must traverse through existing foundation points in the existing structure.
  16. Several years ago...... maybe..... 4-ish...... i seem to recall (perhaps incorrectly) that the timeline to have this train open and operating on its route was ......... 2021? Is my memory correct?
  17. I see signage that says “bar”, “conference”, and “coffee”......... am I to assume from this that the folks converting this space are not looking to bring honest-to-goodness retail shops (clothing, home decor, etc.)? Downtown bars=75 and climbing. A place to buy a good pair of jeans=0 and staying steady.
  18. Cool! Any idea what street that is? calling all you drone photogs........ get ready! By Thanksgiving maybe all that construction flotsam will be picked up and on a Sunny Sunday the shot will be there!
  19. Anyone have some pictures of the old school building from this site? Once the construction equipment is gone, it would make and interesting juxtaposition
  20. I was walking slightly in front of a gaggle of 20 year olds 6 months ago and I could overhear them. They were from Austin (students?). Anyway, one of the gaggle postulated: “downtown Houston is way better than downtown Austin.......”. The gaggle quickly agreed.
  21. I am very happy to see this occur. But, a W in that location just strikes me as an odd choice.
  22. Probably true. But the traffic in sugarkatywood is actually quite epic too.
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