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Most Beautiful Place In The USA?

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San Francisco or Seattle. By a wide margin. Is Honolulu over 500,000?

Those three are the most scenic and urban. For pure architecturally urban places, I think New York and Chicago are quite beautiful. Boston also has its charm, but is surrounded by a lot of blight.

Philly will be beautiful again in its central city -- they are making huge strides. The area around Philadelphia is some of the most beautiful countryside in the world. It's one of those few areas in the US that has its own sense of "place". Pittsburgh could probably be included here, as well. The view from behind home plate at their ballpark is one of the nicest urban vistas I've ever seen.

Now, the ugly ones are --

Places like Detroit, Baltimore, most of DC (away from the monuments and visitor areas) Cleveland (yes, I know they've tried, but it hasn't taken yet) lead the pack.

Next are places like Houston and Dallas that don't have a lot of horrible ugly to them, but the nice stuff isn't good enough to make up for it.

Finally, I think places like LA, Denver, Atlanta, Cincinatti, Phoenix and a few others have many nice assets, but fail to really take advantage of them, resulting in a kind of "eh, who cares?" They look nice and presentable, for the most part, but I'm not really blown away by their beauty.

Edited by dalparadise
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San Francisco or Seattle. By a wide margin. Is Honolulu over 500,000?

Those three are the most scenic and urban. For pure architecturally urban places, I think New York and Chicago are quite beautiful. Boston also has its charm, but is surrounded by a lot of blight.

Philly will be beautiful again in its central city -- they are making huge strides. The area around Philadelphia is some of the most beautiful countryside in the world. It's one of those few areas in the US that has its own sense of "place". Pittsburgh could probably be included here, as well. The view from behind home plate at their ballpark is one of the nicest urban vistas I've ever seen.

Now, the ugly ones are --

Places like Detroit, Baltimore, most of DC (away from the monuments and visitor areas) Cleveland (yes, I know they've tried, but it hasn't taken yet) lead the pack.

Next are places like Houston and Dallas that don't have a lot of horrible ugly to them, but the nice stuff isn't good enough to make up for it.

Finally, I think places like LA, Denver, Atlanta, Cincinatti, Phoenix and a few others have many nice assets, but fail to really take advantage of them, resulting in a kind of "eh, who cares?" They look nice and presentable, for the most part, but I'm not really blown away by their beauty.

I really love Philadelphia. I agree with you ... their Central City area is one of the nicest urban downtowns in the country.

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Is Honolulu over 500,000?

The CDP is only 377k (estimated), but Honolulu County serves over the whole island of Oahu, which has a population of nearly a million.

So yes, I would definately count it. The only downside I found on the whole island was the traffic.

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Colorado Springs has a very beautiful Natural Setting. Most of all it is natural beauty from: The Mountains. Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds/Manitou Springs, Seven Falls, Cheyenne Mountain, Helen Hunt Falls, Etc.

On the other hand, Colorado Springs is quickly making the mistake that many major cities are trying to steer away from. It sprawls on for miles and continues to build out without densifying the older areas first. It's actually rivals Denver in square miles.

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I can only say that the most beautiful sunsets are in Key West, Fla. It ain't a bad place as far as overall scenery either, so Key West will get my vote. I've been to Hawaii also, also very beautiful, Road to Hana is excellent, so now I am second guessing myself.

Edited by TJones
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