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Guessing Game #24


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Well guys, since none of you were able to pin the tail on this donkey, I'll give Montrose the billion points since he was at least on the paper. The house is in Navasota, across from Harlan's Grocery Market on Washington Ave.

The house was ordered from a Sears catalog. Photos of the interior are as follows:







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The former occupant was the first female barred as a lawyer in the State of Texas (and she had to lie about her age to be allowed to take the exam when she did). After a career as a small-town lawyer (big fish, small pond), she was elected Mayor of Navasota at a time when there just weren't a lot of female mayors.

According to the Handbook of Texas Online, that distinction belongs to Hortense Sparks Ward, who passed the bar in 1910 aged approximately 38 years. Nowhere in her biography is it mentioned that she ever held public office.

Regardless, the accomplishments of the house's former occupant are very impressive.

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According to the Handbook of Texas Online, that distinction belongs to Hortense Sparks Ward, who passed the bar in 1910 aged approximately 38 years. Nowhere in her biography is it mentioned that she ever held public office.

Regardless, the accomplishments of the house's former occupant are very impressive.

F___! Damned lying preacher...got the eulogy wrong...and where he got it from I haven't a clue! :angry2: Needless to say, that's not her.

Good catch, bigtex. I can always count on you to check the facts.

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