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In Honor Of Montrose1100

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while at first i thought he was crazy, i have grown to enjoy Driving While Taking Pictures (DWTP). the thrill of having both arms out the window, steering with your left knee, and while pushing the brake/gas with the right foot.

all while people look at you like you are some kind of nut :wacko:

until i get a ticket, a wreck, or dismemberment, i will occasionally update this thread with my daredevil acts.

here's to montrose1100 :)






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I love salmon pink sunsets. I will always live in Texas. Are you originally from Texas editor?

I love Texas very much! Was born and raised here but havent always lived here. Spent time in other parts of our country, but all the time, was thinking of ways to get back to Texas and Houston in particular. Things went my way and i am home again!!!!!!

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I can't tell the type of car you drive but I will certainly avoid driving on Vermont/San Felipe at dusk...

actually, i was in that area for central market and target.

where else am i going to get a roasting pan and yummy fresh corn hens?


and if you see a black 4-runner with a camera hanging out the window, thats me :ph34r:

Edited by houston-development
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You know, you guys *could* pull over places and take pictures.... just a thought :)


It's not the 1980's where you put the old Pentax K-1000 camera up to your noggin :o it's all point and shoot now B)

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Ahh, there's plenty of places to stop... lots of the great downtown pictures you see are taken from the rooftops of other buildings... and I would guess most of the modern ones are photoshopped to remove undesirable objects from the frame.

I guess I can't say much...... I took this one out the window... though, I was a passenger and I was just fiddling with the camera. Would have been an amazing shot if we'd pulled over and I spent a bit more time on it. This was March 2005, through a car window (sorry about the reflection) and the camera is a Konica Minolta DiMage A200 (recently replaced with a Canon Rebel XTi):



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It's not the 1980's where you put the old Pentax K-1000 camera up to your noggin :o it's all point and shoot now B)

It's really not. Perhaps the Pentax K1000 isn't as commonly used now, but the best pictures still come from SLR cameras.... they've gone digital ya know... it's not 1997 anymore, either :) Swivel screen viewfinders need not apply!

Compare camera capabilities with samples at http://www.dpreview.com


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It's really not. Perhaps the Pentax K1000 isn't as commonly used now, but the best pictures still come from SLR cameras.... they've gone digital ya know... it's not 1997 anymore, either :) Swivel screen viewfinders need not apply!

Compare camera capabilities with samples at http://www.dpreview.com


I wish i still had my Pentax K 1000 -_- but i still have my Minolta SR -T- 101 :) need to upgrade to the 21 Century :ph34r:

Edited by Marty
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