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Metropolitan Homes Taking Over Memorial Bend


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I drove through Memorial Bend today (the section inside the Tollway). I was saddened to see at least FOUR homes that have been bought up by a company called Metropolitan Homes for tear-downs. Not necessarily MCM's, but that's just because MH hasn't had the right opp'y to get one and shred it. Apparently Martha Turner Properties has all the listings for them. I am quite down about this; though it isn't entirely unexpected, I am a little surprised at the lack of voices being heard (if there are any) in the neighborhood against this type of thing. Something akin to what the folks along Bunker Hill Rd (N. of I-10) are doing, a "grassroots" type deal. :closedeyes:

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Apparently. they are looking to expand Bunker Hill from I-10 past Westview--and it will not only take out homes in the area, but the elementary school and all of the huge trees that line it. They have a big awareness campaign that they are trying to promote, but mostly it is seen along Bunker Hill with tons of signage about it.

Time will tell!

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