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Hello, sort anoob here

Guest Nanbe1st

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hello ladies and gents!

I've been kind of lurking around.

I love this site! thanks for having me :)

Welcome to the site, as the first person to respond, I encourage you to post and comment on the many wonderful threads on here and interact with the color members we have.

I also want to report this thread you created to a moderator so that it can be placed in the proper section.

This will hopefully be moved into the OFF TOPIC section.

No hard feelings I hope. :P

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We're such a nice, welcoming bunch around here.

Too bad I had to delete him. He's just another Estonian spammer testing the waters.

Okay, for those of us who are not up to date on the "Estonian spammer testing" conpiracy on HAIF. Please explain.

Is this a repeat offender, just under multiple accounts? ^_^

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We're such a nice, welcoming bunch around here.

Too bad I had to delete him. He's just another Estonian spammer testing the waters.

:lol: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! :lol: Hello and Goodbye..............DOUCHEBAG !

Edited by TJones
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Spammers are always desperate to get links to their web sites on HAIF because Google holds HAIF in very high esteem. There's a certain theory called "search engine optimization" that believes that having links to your site on a high-value site (like HAIF) will increase its visibility in Google.

Anyway, what the Estonian guy was doing is putting in an innocuous post that people will overlook. In a few weeks when it falls off the radar he goes back and edits it with a link to his site and no one sees it.

We get about 20 or 30 spammers through here each week, which is why I personally go through all new user registrations by hand every couple of days.

Most of the spammers are from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Iran, Romania, Turkey, and China.

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I have no clue. I have gotten spam from pills, to diet pills, to drugs, online dating, sex, porn, everything. It is real pathetic that people would do it. I just IP ban each one at a time.

At least they believe that your forum is worthy of traffic for them to spam you. It is almost flattering for a forum that is barely 2 months old.

Most of the spammers are from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Iran, Romania, Turkey, and China.

Hey!, I resemble that remark.

But that is way genious. I have heard that the more links you have it does put you on the map on google. That is very sneaky.

So you are saying that maybe a month from now the noob message would dissapear and a link to some diet pill, sex site, or something like that would appear in place of it. How shadey! :ph34r:

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Wow, that is actually smart, but I am not going to do it.

Oh amd Pumapayam, we may be two months old, but we have 104 registered members who visit often, and we have 6864 posts as of me typing this. Gary is there, too :). We are growing up fast :).

Edited by Trae
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Spammers are always desperate to get links to their web sites on HAIF because Google holds HAIF in very high esteem. There's a certain theory called "search engine optimization" that believes that having links to your site on a high-value site (like HAIF) will increase its visibility in Google.

Anyway, what the Estonian guy was doing is putting in an innocuous post that people will overlook. In a few weeks when it falls off the radar he goes back and edits it with a link to his site and no one sees it.

We get about 20 or 30 spammers through here each week, which is why I personally go through all new user registrations by hand every couple of days.

Most of the spammers are from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Iran, Romania, Turkey, and China.

I am still wondering WHY you haven't caught houstonsemipro and nmainguy's yet ? :huh: >:)

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Oh amd Pumapayam, we may be two months old, but we have 104 registered members who visit often, and we have 6864 posts as of me typing this. Gary is there, too :). We are growing up fast :).

I do understand and I am honestly proud, but not to burst your bubble you make up about 28% of the forum post and the moderator in general (5 people I think) make up over 80%.

I am sure people will start flocking once it really becomes established, but right now it seems like a private post party for 5 people.

Again, I am not pooping on your parade, but the numbers don't lie.

I would join myself, but I have not had valuable insights to talk about stuff in Atlanta, I don't even bother much in the Dallas/San Antonio forums on here.

okay now. . . this is where TJones chimes in and says, "Well, you have not had anything valuable to say in here either :)!"

Edited by Pumapayam
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Yes I know, and that is a problem we are trying to fix. People come but don't post. Every once in a while they do. But we are just two months old. We only have four moderators (that includes me), too. I am sure HAIF didn't start out evenly rounded out like it is now.


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okay now. . . this is where TJones chimes in and says, "Well, you have not had anything valuable to say in here either :)!"

Who ? ME ?

The only thing I'll say is that for a guy who didn't want to "poop" on anyone's parade.......GOOD JOB ! :wacko:

Trae, I'd join, but like Puma, I have only seen the Atlanta airport, if there is a thread about the airport I can elaborate.

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Trae, I'd join, but like Puma, I have only seen the Atlanta airport, if there is a thread about the airport I can elaborate.
There is :).

Well, TJones, you have cornered yourself into a. . . corner.

I guess you are obligated to join! :lol:

Edited by Pumapayam
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Spammers are always desperate to get links to their web sites on HAIF because Google holds HAIF in very high esteem. There's a certain theory called "search engine optimization" that believes that having links to your site on a high-value site (like HAIF) will increase its visibility in Google.

Besides the obvious (cough, cough) why/how is HAIF considered "High Value" ?

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Because this site has high quality and is of high value. It's almost like when you type in Houston, the first link the shows up is the City of Houston website.

OMG, you are right, when I Google "HAIF" I get the Houston Architecture Forum webiste first!


When you type "Houston" on Google

Actually we are the 95th entry, which sucks since Whitney Houston is 29th! :lol:

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Besides the obvious (cough, cough) why/how is HAIF considered "High Value" ?

You know I try to stay "anonymous" but when they see that name, T.Jones, it automatically makes the ratings go up off the scale. I am sorry...................it's all my fault ! :blush::huh:<_<

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