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So many beautiful pictures but so few people, why?


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There are so many beautiful pictures of downtown and some other places, and they all seem walkable but they all look like ghost towns, with always so few people, why?

I saw some pictures of woodlands that do have some ppl but still seem sparse.

Many are skyline pictures hence no people. Also many are taken on the weekends when the population is relatively sparce.

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There are so many beautiful pictures of downtown and some other places, and they all seem walkable but they all look like ghost towns, with always so few people, why?

I saw some pictures of woodlands that do have some ppl but still seem sparse.

Musicman is partially-correct. But another aspect is that downtown has an air conditioned underground tunnel system that is far more pedestrian-friendly than a place without A/C and plenty of cars with impatient drivers. In other neighborhoods, the truth is that unless there is some kind of special event, people just don't walk around randomly for the whimsical purpose of being pedestrians. They will take the paths of least resistance...which usually entail driving.

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