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Some fun quotes. Who said:


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This is an interesting quote. Can anyone guess who would say this crap:

"Not only that, but immigrant workers renew and reinvigorate America. They remind us what it's like to give a job your all. We talk about old-fashioned family values; they live them. And those of us who cherish our faith and love our country can only rejoice at their devotion to both."

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This is an interesting quote. Can anyone guess who would say this crap:

"Not only that, but immigrant workers renew and reinvigorate America. They remind us what it's like to give a job your all. We talk about old-fashioned family values; they live them. And those of us who cherish our faith and love our country can only rejoice at their devotion to both."

BOB PERRY!!!! The homebuilder! Along with 34 other businessmen, like James Leininger, Bo Pilgrim, and more!

But wait! There is more:

"Neither the immigrants here today nor those we will need in the future should have to live in the shadows. These are good people with good values doing work that we need done, reaching for the American Dream and helping make it a reality for all. As we value the work, let us value the worker

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This is an interesting quote. Can anyone guess who would say this crap:

"Not only that, but immigrant workers renew and reinvigorate America. They remind us what it's like to give a job your all. We talk about old-fashioned family values; they live them. And those of us who cherish our faith and love our country can only rejoice at their devotion to both."

Legal, or illegal?

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Do you really think Bob Perry cares? As long as he continues to make money, he doesn't care if you are illegal or not. It is all about money and nothing else.


So he wants to make money, and he doesn't mind employing immigrants who themselves want to make money. What's wrong with that?

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