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New Study: The World's Most Expensive Cities

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I'm trying to find the whole list of 130 world cities to post up, so if U find it, feel free. I'm curious where Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio are ranked.

According to this, the most expensive city in the world is Oslo, with London coming in Second. The least expensive (which kinda surprised me) is Kuala Lumpur, followed by Mumbai, Buenos Aires and New Delhi. And Seoul averaged out as the city with higher work hours per week than any city, where citizens average 50.2 hours of work per week. That would suck, wouldn't it. They don't mention though how many holidays there are for Seoul's workforce.

Finally, North American workers (no surprise here) earn higher wages than any other continent/region, with Western Europe coming in second.

There's lots of other little facts in the new article. Check 'em out :)

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