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Auntie Beeb's leaning left


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Found this article in City Journal while I was avoiding work. As a regular BBC listener, it reinforces some things I already knew, but I don't think it's as bad as the author makes it out to be.


Denis Boyles

Biased Beeb


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Note that members of the publication committee for City Journal include William J. Bennett and Peggy Noonan. It comes with its own bias.

Don't blame BBC for reporting the news even when it doesn't reflect our administration in the most positive light.

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You are correct -- City Journal is far from unbiased. But at the same time, neither is the BBC. I don't thing it's a systemic problem. I think it's a problem with a certain number of (mostly) journalists in the field who are more interested in making themselves the story and promoting themselves than delivering the truth. Of course, if you've been raised an educated in a country where newspapers similar to the National Enquirer are considered mainstream, and Page Three girls are considered news, you might not understand what journalism is.

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