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If Hurricane is coming towards Houston...


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People stuck to the major roads because, if you remember, there was no gas! If you ran out of gas in the middle of tim-buck-too and a cat5 came barreling in...you wouldn't be a happy camper.

You'd be more likely to find gas in a small town out in the middle of nowhere where there's not mountains of humanity passing by stopping for gas. Futhermore, on the backroads, you wouldn't be burning gas sitting there idling in traffic, getting 0 MPG.

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Ditto. We're not in a storm-surge zone, nor are we in a floodplain--though I have flood insurance anyway. In the almost fifty years it's been here, this house has never flooded. (Knock on wood.) It's survived Carla and Alicia. I realize that every storm is different and that you can't make a decision to stay or leave based exclusively on precedent, but I dare say we're prepared to hunker down in our interior hallway and ride out a storm.

Here's hoping we won't have to any time soon.

Just so you're aware, if the proximate cause of property loss is a hurricane, flood insurance won't foot the bill. You'll need a windstorm and hail policy to collect anything.

But being in Westbury, I seriously doubt that you've got too much to worry about. Even if the storm surge creates a backup in the Ship Channel so that water can't drain properly, you're still relatively far inland. Also, that would require a fast-moving storm which wouldn't dump so much rain on you. A slow-moving storm doesn't have as much of a surge, so the backup wouldn't likely occur to any significant extent. If you didn't flood in Allison, I think you're in good shape...unless of course you have big trees around you that haven't weathered high winds for decades. That'd be a very convincing reason to get the hell out.

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You'd be more likely to find gas in a small town out in the middle of nowhere where there's not mountains of humanity passing by stopping for gas. Futhermore, on the backroads, you wouldn't be burning gas sitting there idling in traffic, getting 0 MPG.

i don't know where these so called back roads are everyone's talking about. my parents and brother were stuck on small roads somewhere between BCS and Huntsville, and every little backroad they tried (being guided by me online with a cell) had plenty of people. and every gas station, even the ones in the middle of no where were out of gas.

when i hit 71 after taking backroads (crowded but moving) parallel to 10, we were cruising at 60mph all the way to austin.

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i don't know where these so called back roads are everyone's talking about. my parents and brother were stuck on small roads somewhere between BCS and Huntsville, and every little backroad they tried (being guided by me online with a cell) had plenty of people. and every gas station, even the ones in the middle of no where were out of gas.

when i hit 71 after taking backroads (crowded but moving) parallel to 10, we were cruising at 60mph all the way to austin.

Farm to market roads, county roads, etc.

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i don't know where these so called back roads are everyone's talking about. my parents and brother were stuck on small roads somewhere between BCS and Huntsville, and every little backroad they tried (being guided by me online with a cell) had plenty of people. and every gas station, even the ones in the middle of no where were out of gas.

when i hit 71 after taking backroads (crowded but moving) parallel to 10, we were cruising at 60mph all the way to austin.

Once we got through Magnolia, we had no problem on the backroads...we were traveling at 70 mph the whole way north of Magnolia. We made our way up some little FM's to Hwy 39, got gas in North Zulch (admittedly, they were running low on gas...I think they only had Premium), and cruised on up to Mexia.

I took that route because I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the roads up there anyways, since my grandpa lives between North Zulch and Iola...and I never travel the interstate to get there...always backroads, because they're MUCH more scenic than I-45.

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i know that. i'm saying we tried plenty of those, and they were packed even north of BCS. every random road we could find in the atlas had numerous evacuees crawling.

Atlas? Which one? If you used either the one put out by DeLorme or that was compiled by Aggie cartographers about a decade ago, you should've been able to find alternate routes that NO ONE was taking. Tiny little dirt and gravel roads. Asphalt is the evacuee's worst nightmare...at least until you get outside of the Houston MSA.

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My next-door neighbor is an original owner, which means he's lived in his house for going on fifty years. He says the only time he ever boarded up the windows was for Carla--and he claims that he didn't need to. Since then, he's never even evacuated. I've also heard from him and another long-time resident that Alicia didn't do much damage. Power was out for something like six hours, which is really pretty good, considering that a lot of folks didn't have their electricity restored for weeks. As for big trees: I've got nothing big enough (or close enough to the house) to be too worried about.

What part of town y'all in?

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  • 2 months later...

I will stay. When Rita was in the Gulf we started filling up all the ice chest and other contaianers with water we had about 5000 gallons, also alot of Chefboyardee And some whisky :wacko: it's also a good ideal to fill 2 liter coke bottles and stick them the freezer.I live'd just north of greens point at the time. Glen Forest Estates

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Well, we are in Clear Lake, and were told that evacuation was mandatory. Would we do it again for a Cat 5? Yes. Back roads - we took them, went to Magnolia and rode out the storm there. They lost their lights. Came home, we had lights!!!!

Anything without a storm surge possibility, we are staying here!!!!

Survived Carla and Alicia.

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Planning to provide water to your whole neighborhood, or what?

If they needed water that would be a yes. :) When the storm season is over with i use the water for landscaping needs

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You guys are lucky a tree didn't fall on your roof. I live in Pasadena. Minor damage. The media makes it seem like EVERY hurricane is coming this way. "Find out the latest on Florence!" When they said that it was turning north 2 days ago. Stuff like that shouldn't even be news.

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