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Galveston Impressions

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What is the general impression of Galveston to the average Houstonian these days? I know you guys on the board are well informed on what's going on down here, but how about the "average joe"? I'm asking because, I don't know any Houstonians, and because I read this board and it's still shocking to me to see, "I haven't been to Galveston in years".

Is there the same of sentiment of... "trashy, brown water, etc..."

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I've always wondered why Galveston gets such a bad rap... I grew up on the East Coast and used to go to the Jersey Shore every summer. People loved it.... and guess what... the water was Green there too... it didnt bother anyone...

Now granted, Jersey spent a lot of money on beach reclaimation projects each year to ensure the beaches stayed nice looking... but you know what, with nice beaches comes tourists, and taxes from the rental properties and businesses.

I have been here 6 years now, the gulf gets warmer than the atlantic ever hopes to get, and yet we all delicate flower at how shitty galveston is...

I think its our own fault for giving it a bad rap.

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Funny this thread pops up. In the past month, I've made three trips down to the island. Twice for a part in a wedding down there, and the third for a little fun in the sun. I have spent nearly my entire life in Houston, and use to go to Galveston fairly often when I was kid (thanks to my parents). When I became older(20's), I never thought about going down there even though its just an hour drive. Now, that I am in my 30's my wife and I are looking for places to hang out during our weekends (outside the city), and now I enjoy going down to the island. Its different, I like the water, and enjoy the atmosphere. I think its a place you either hate or you love. I know I will be spending my weekends down there for day trips and just hanging out on the beach.

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I love Galveston! It has a great vibe, great history, great fishing and wonderful Victorian architecture. As far as the water.... I've been down many times in the Summer when the winds prevail Southeast, and the water is actually very pretty (not Cancun pretty). In fact I was at a friends home on Tiki Island last year during the southeast winds and the water was great, you could actually see about 6 feet down.

To me Galveston is very underrated.

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I just got back. I had court in Galveston's new courthouse this morning. Afterward, I drove around a bit. There are several condo towers going up, the weather was perfect, and the water looked....BLUE! I think their putting dye in it or something.

Galveston has definitely put on some makeup lately. They are building stuff and renovating properties everywhere. I think Mr. Chenevert is right. Houstonians don't know how good they have it. They carp about Galveston's occasional brown water, ignoring its historic features. They cry about heat and humidity, forgetting it rarely drops below freezing.

Galveston is finally getting some well-deserved TLC, and it is starting to show. Next time you are on the Seawall, note how many hotels and buildings were built within the last 5 or 6 years.

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Is this sarcasm? Or did the water really look...........blue?

No! It really looked a steel blue, except right where the water broke, which looked green. But, since the waves were so small, the whole Gulf looked blue! It was amazing...and I hadn't started drinking yet! :lol:

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I was there last week with a friend who had some business(so didn't get to look long) But I was thinking the same as above. Growing up I went a lot due to parents, in my early 20s never, now in my late 20s I can see myself going several times a year. It has soooo much potential and is starting to shine. There were buildings being built and houses getting renevated. Keep it up :D

Edited by JGraspo
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i like galveston alot. although, i haven't been since the fall (too busy in the friggin matrix)

a couple of years ago, i stayed at the Commodore... from the patio, looking out, the water looked good - emerald greenish, and bluer the further you looked out... but at the beachline, it was the traditional brown.

i am going to be a multi bazillionaire when i figure out how to beat nature and make the water look a little nicer right at the beachline.

in the mean time, i'm going to keep look for a piece of real estate to jump on, as i can't imagine the prices staying as low as they are forever... i mean, it's a beach city near the 4th largest city in the nation...

i think i know what is going to bring the 'new' galveston, and it's not something we want... a major hurricane is going to come through and destroy a lot of old stuff, displace a lot of poor people, etc... then the rebuilds will be nice and new and hurricane proof (think miami, N.O., etc.) and then gambling will be allowed and voila - a 'new' galveston... with brown water ;-)

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LOVE GALVESTON ! Grew up on this coast, and I can still remember going into the Gulf back in the 70's then NEVER setting foot in it in the 80's, so you would just cruise East Beach, because Stewart Beach was the "gay" beach. I remember it snowing in Galveston about 1973 or so. Yes, it DID happen, I have pictures ! My wife and I go as often as possible, and we'll either go cheap and stay at Gaido's or go to the other end of the spectrum and do the whole San Luis thing. We always eat at Gaido's when we go. I remember getting my one and only "Minor in Possession" because I made a wrong left turn onto the seawall, this was during Senior Prom, and lucky for us we only got Half of our booze confiscated out of the car. The rest was in the Room. :lol:

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