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Has Anyone Heard Of The Witch's House

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We were talking last night and I mentioned the witch's house in Garden Villas (on Haywood). I thought most people from the se side knew about this. My parents also heard of it however some other long time residents had never heard of it. Anyone here heard of it?

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We were talking last night and I mentioned the witch's house in Garden Villas (on Haywood). I thought most people from the se side knew about this. My parents also heard of it however some other long time residents had never heard of it. Anyone here heard of it?

i've heard of it. from what i gather it was just a big old house where an old lady lived and didn't like kids coming onto her property. in the 60's some kids had some "exaggerated" tales of the witch chasing them etc.

I think the house is still there in the cul-de-sac.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
There is a 1 1/2 story colonial back there with dormer windows, mostly hidden from the street, way back on the cul-de-sac on Hayes st. I think that is the house. It is still there. The street it is on is actually very nice.

The only house I recall being given that name on a broad scale here in Houston was a historic mansion near corner of W Gray & San Jacinto somewhere. It was always referred to as "The Witch Hat" house because it had a far-out pitched roof over an extended porch that resembled a witch's hat. I saw it many times just fading away and into a complete shambles and of course Houston demolished it what else? So much for preservation.

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The only house I recall being given that name on a broad scale here in Houston was a historic mansion near corner of W Gray & San Jacinto somewhere. It was always referred to as "The Witch Hat" house because it had a far-out pitched roof over an extended porch that resembled a witch's hat. I saw it many times just fading away and into a complete shambles and of course Houston demolished it what else? So much for preservation.

I had not heard of that one either. I had some friends in Garden Villas and hung out there in the mid to late 70s at the park.

I had heard of a haunted house of Market and Lakeside or Lakeshore or something that was refered to as the Kendall Place. Supposedlly a house of ill repute. The madam was murdered inside then draged to the wrought iron gates at the street and placed under her own car. This was supposed to have happened in the 40s. My wifes father was a cop in that part of town in the 50s and has been inside the house. He said all the rooms are in the shape of a diamond and has all kinds of hidden passage ways. He passed away before he could show me where it was.


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They are talking about the Witch Hat House near downtown. The one you are talking about if memory serves me right is behind the Whataburger. My brother reminded me this weekend. You turn off of Telephone onto Haywood and at the first right there is a house on the Y, it is right next door on the left, all you see is the drive entrance the house is set way back. If this is the house it was for sale about 8 years ago. I was told by the realtor it once belonged to a bootleger and had tunnels underneath leading to a small creek that goes to Sims Bayou incase a quick escape was needed.


yeah you're in the right hood. never heard about the tunnels though.

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  • 1 month later...
yeah you're in the right hood. never heard about the tunnels though.

Yes, I remember the witch's house behind the What-A-Burger in Garden Villas. In the mid-80's some of my friend's older brothers and sisters would take us wrapping houses (I know, I know) and we would drive up to this house and sit in the drive-way. As soon as the security lights would come on we would take off as fast as we could. I never actually heard the story behind why people felt that a witch lived there though....

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Growing up in the area in the 70s and early 80s, we were all well aware of the witch's house at the end of Haywood. Garden Villas was spooky at night -- no street lights and very deep ditches on both sides of many streets. Plus -- big pecan trees everywhere which have been run into many times over the decades. So the witch's house -- at the dead end of Haywood, barely visible through lots of growth, and with a reputation for having an old lady sitting on the porch with a shotgun waiting to pull the trigger at anyone who came too close -- well, that was just too much fun for us high schoolers to pass up!

Haywood is a gem of a street. I still drive down it occasionally, for old times' sake.

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Yes, I remember the witch's house behind the What-A-Burger in Garden Villas. In the mid-80's some of my friend's older brothers and sisters would take us wrapping houses (I know, I know) and we would drive up to this house and sit in the drive-way. As soon as the security lights would come on we would take off as fast as we could. I never actually heard the story behind why people felt that a witch lived there though....

maybe it was the woman dressed in black who flew into her garage on a broom that sparked the rumor

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  • 10 years later...
  • The title was changed to Has Anyone Heard Of The Witch's House?
  • The title was changed to Has Anyone Heard Of The Witch's House

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