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Immigration Reform Demonstration

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This issue is pretty simple to me. Something has to be done or things will only get worst.

Here is my take...

1. Respect the immigration laws of the United States

--Follow the documented procedures for becoming a legal US citizen

--Being here illegally for years does not grant you automatic citizenship

2. Learn the English language

3. Pay taxes

4. Hold Corporate America and Mexico accountable

--Fines for hiring illegal, cheap labor

--Tax the money wires going back to Mexico

5. Restructure our social services and end the blatant abuse

6. Enough with the flag waving. You are in the United States. If you miss you country so much, go back home. There seems to be a lot of confusion with the demonstrations regarding culture and nationalism.

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This issue is pretty simple to me. Something has to be done or things will only get worst.

Here is my take...

1. Respect the immigration laws of the United States

--Follow the documented procedures for becoming a legal US citizen

--Being here illegally for years does not grant you automatic citizenship

2. Learn the English language

3. Pay taxes

4. Hold Corporate America and Mexico accountable

--Fines for hiring illegal, cheap labor

--Tax the money wires going back to Mexico

5. Restructure our social services and end the blatant abuse

6. Enough with the flag waving. You are in the United States. If you miss you country so much, go back home. There seems to be a lot of confusion with the demonstrations regarding culture and nationalism.

Hear, hear!!! Well stated. I agree 100%!

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The article starts out with the popular buzzword "the left-wing media". That's the clue for me to exit the article. No critical thinking there. Just blame the "left-wing media" bogeyman. They are behind all of this countries problems don't you know.

Ooops. Correction. The article starts out blaming the "leftist media". Same thing.

Edited by west20th
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