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Chron no. 1 blogging daily according to NYU journalism students

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Even the Comical can take a bow for this one:


"Fifteen undergraduates in journalism, two grad students, and one professor set out to determine--by our lights-- the top blogging newspapers in the U.S. among major dailies. We found six standouts, two honorable mentions and some wacky blogs. Number One in our eyes: the Houston Chronicle. By a mile."

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I have sent a couple of letters to Dwight Silverman and the Editorial board on how they need to drop the blog format.

They even list Blogs above Editorials.

That's a pretty weak statement for a "major" newspaper.

Edited by MidtownCoog
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have sent a couple of letters to Dwight Silverman and the Editorial board on how they need to drop the blog format.

They even list Blogs above Editorials.

That's a pretty weak statement for a "major" newspaper.

Aren't editorials essentially just one time blogs? I applacud the Chronicle for giving attention to this format. Print Media is becomin an old dinosour going the way of the music industry. It's adapt or die in the internet age.

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Print Media and real online journalism is one thing.

Blogging off is quite another.

Totally agree. When I read the chron.com blogs, I feel as if the "journalists" have been given, and are exercising, a license to shuck the formal rules of creating news copy...i.e the hell with grammar, style, supporting facts/documentation, and basically the "checks and balances" system of having an editor proof and approve a story.

In a former life, I was a photojournalist for AP, and, while all newspaper types will tend to slant a story one way or the other, I always felt that there was an acute awareness of the need to ensure that the "facts" behind a story weren't misrepresented. With these newspaper blogs, I'm not sure that that is the case.

I must also say as well that, upon reading the Chron blogs, some of the journalists have revealed through their "prose" that perhaps they aren't really as smart as their edited copy makes them appear.

But perhaps, in our Internet age, news blogs that are heavy on gossip - and not the news - are necessary to keep Jane and John Q. Public entertained.

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