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Texas Western Narrow Gauge Railway Company (TWNG)

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What I'd like to find is a Houston map showing the Texas Western narrow gauge line circa 1890s. I'm told it followed what later became Westheimer.

I'm curious about that too... I used to work on W. Alabama near Woodhead, and at some point while I was working there, I came across some information that indicated at one point what's now Alabama was called Railroad St., because supposedly it followed a railroad line out of town.... I figure it was probably the Texas & Western. This would've been back even before the development of the Montrose area. Can't remember where I read this, but have never found anything else to verify it. I think all the above posted maps, and all others I've seen, are too new to show this. I don't think the T&W was around for very long, so there's probably a narrow window of time that it would've shown up on a map.

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Also, on the 1895 map it ran on Ross St. which was two blocks north of W Main (now Sul Ross):

I am not seeing it. It looks to me like it is on Alabama the whole way (i.e. Railroad)

counting down in dickey's west park addition streets and comparing with today's streets and hc block book and the 1895 map:

san saba

webster (westheimer)


menard (rosamond - I would have guess it is kipling today but blockbooks note differently)

(missing current street - kipling)

(missing current street- steel)

railroad (alabama)

law (sul ross)

block book of dickey's west addition: http://books.tax.hctx.net/v012/002878.JPG

for point of reference, this block book map (http://books.tax.hctx.net/v012/002881.JPG )shows block 33 surrounded by alabama (N), lake (W), sul ross (S), and kirby (E)

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Oops, here is a closeup of that part:

Ahhh. I see what you mean now. But look at this map of James [bute] addition Block 19:


It shows block 19 as Alabama (N), Sul Ross (S), Garrott (W), Bute (E).

Now look at the 1895 map at block 19 of James addition. Garrott and Bute match but Alabama and Sul Ross are listed as Ross and Myrtle respectively.

Now which map is wrong? It appears to be the same block to me.

I am thinking that what is labeled as Ross on the 1895 map is really Alabama (or will be)

Here is the index page that seems to also confirm this:


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Strange - in this blockbook map, Vine St. is crossed out and replaced with W Main:


and on the 1895 map above, Vine is one block south of W Main...

The updated map is correct...those are the streets around the pld Montrose school, Stanford, W. Main and Greeley, etc.. My wifes grandfather owned the block fronting W. Main, across the street from the school.

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