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Waterloo Park Hotel - 1201 Red River St.


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First time I ever went to Waterloo Park was for their last Fun Fun Fun Fest they held here before they started renovations of the park. They moved it to Austin's Auditorium Shores Park where ACL is held for the next two Fun Fun Fun Fests before they quit putting it on anymore. I personally liked it better at Waterloo Park, it was more cosy and easier to walk to the various stages.

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3 hours ago, Urbannizer said:

Can you provide a link to this FAA submission? Can’t find it.

I searched all cases this morning between 8-9am this morning. I saw it in the "Determined Cases" and I used the 30 day window because I haven't been on their website in weeks. It may have been aged out by the time you looked.

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  • The title was changed to Waterloo Park Hotel - 1201 Red River St.

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