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Forged Closing Documents


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What legal recourse does a homeowner have against a Title Company who filed forged and changed documents after my closing. After 4 months of trying to obtain my closing docs from Texas American Title for my Tremont Tower Condo Unit, finally received them. Why the delay I ask? I found 2 forgeries of my signature in my closing docs. So much for Homeland Security. When you can forge someone's name on the Patriot Act Data Collection/ Real identity verification. My real signature is on the bottom...The spelled my last name with an "N", not an "M", etc. But not bad, wonder how many other times Texas American has forged a signature? What legal recourse do I have?


Also, I found a huge variance from the filed HUD statement vs the one I received at closing. I have put two separate documents on top of each other. The set filed says Wilshire received $17,728.09. The set I received on closing 7/30/04 says Wilshire received only $9,200.00.


Edited by justiceforall
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  • 2 months later...

Seems like they forgot to fill out the "Patriot Act" form when you were signing the paperwork and they were too lazy to send you the form or calling you back to the Title Company.

But never the less...forging someones signature in official/legal documents is a crime,

In the second form "Settlement Charges" no idea why they change the amounts.

Better check with that lawyer..!!

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I view justiceforall's post as a public service.

That someone has the unmitigated gall to forge signatures, especially on forms one assumes to be notarized, seems nearly impossible unless an example is cited.

Incidently, what's this "Patriot Act" crap? Thanks for posting that , too. No doubt other scammers are using this device to get people to let down their guards. when otherwise they might question unorthodox business practices.

Edit: Incidently, Google "Patriot Act Data Collection" (in quotation marks) and see what you come up with. Uh...very few hits, and all of them seem pretty scammish - if that's a word.

Again, thank you, justiceforall, for bringing this to the public's attention.

Edited by dbigtex56
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I'm sure forging a signature is above and beyond but most closings do include a document (that you probably signed) that allows the title company to fix clerical errors found after the closing. No idea on how this impacts your legal situation.

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