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Images possibly being deleted by imgur on 5/15/2023


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Something that came up in the news a couple weeks ago was that imgur is planning to be "removing old, unused, and inactive content that is not tied to a user account" on May 15.  What exactly this means hasn't been clarified, but the assumption is that any images that were anonymously uploaded to the site will be deleted.

A lot of us on HAIF have been using imgur for image hosting due to the limitations of HAIF's image hosting.  I know some are uploading them with an account, but many (myself included) have not.  This presumably means that the 500+ images I have put on my posts here over the last 10 years will be deleted.

I have gone through and backed up all my images from my posts, so if they do get deleted, hopefully we can get access to edit our posts again so I can fix the broken images.  I encourage anyone here who is using imgur for image hosting to verify that they uploaded their images to their account, and if not, look into backing up the images they posted so they can be reuploaded if they are lost.  And going forward, make sure you are signed into imgur when uploading images so they will be tied to your account and not deleted.

Some of the images will be backed up on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, but that tends to have large gaps where it misses posts and can't be relied upon.



Also, a news article:


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