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Howard Dean Caught With Hand In The Cookie Jar !


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Simple me boy, you see here, this be the last scalawag who tried to get me mudder's recipe, and if you keep it up, you may be payin a visit to Davy Jones' locker yurself laddy. So go back to yer chumbucket and be happy I let you off with a warning.

Edited by TJones
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Simple me boy, you see here, this be the last scalawag who tried to get me mudder's recipe, and if you keep it up, you may be payin a visit to Davy Jones' locker yourself. So go back to yer chumbucket and be happy I let you off with a warning.

That's funny...I thought you were playing Spin the Crab and he/she lost and had to let you do the CRAB DANCE on their back...ha ha ha ha


I'm not some wimpering ladyboy ready to give up and have his brain turned into french fries and his face permantly red with just a highlight of color aroud the edges and ...hummmmmm...sounds familiar...But I've got my eye on you AND your "mudder" (a racehorse known for his/her ability to run well in the mud, but that was before you were hatched). I know you've got that hard thing that protects you...you've also got that shell thingy but they are no match for my scientific genius...I will devise a plan...a plan...a plan...a pla...schxnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz HUH! WHO IS IT? Oh it's you, Crabs, or should I say Ugine..right Mr Ugine Crabs ...how did you get THAT handle? Or do you like to spell it with an E Ugene or maybe three E's Eugene....sounding more and more like a girli name to me ...pretty soon it'll be Jennifer...Jennifer Crabs...and you/ll get lots of dates with Spongebob and Squidward OR maybe not...But who cares about Your Love Life...except Valentines Day is coming...I swear by all that is evil...I will have the receipe..or is it reciepe...or maybe it's recipe...I don't know...I left my pocket dictionary at home...This whole thing is making me crazy and now I have to go potty...But I'll be back, I'll be back.... So watch out Crabs...I know where you work, I know where you live and if I can get someone who will let me sit in their lap, I know how to drive between both places. I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!!! OOPS that happens everytime I stay up late and watch that stupid Oz movie.

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Any of you libs care to explain why Howard Dean has regular conversations with Abrahmoff, and some Dems took a little campaign contribution of about $60k when Howard kept denying it happened ? :)



Newsmax. QED

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