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311 Sidewalk / Crosswalk entries

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New crosswalk markings are kind of in a weird space. The city recently changed their standards (I believe they want marked crosswalks at every signalized intersection and unsignalized if there is 1/4 mile gap), but it depends on which public works employee you get. Some employees will put in the request, but others will do the 20 pedestrian count (which is extremely outdated). That means they sit there (usually at a random time in the day when there is not a lot of pedestrian activity) and count. If they reach 20 pedestrians in the hour, they'll put it in the system...if they dont, they'll say does not meet recommendations. At that point, I usually email the council member representing the district the intersection is in, and then they'll see what they can do. In these cases above, if 311 does not prove to be in your favor, I would consider emailing the Houston Park Board since they are connections to the Bayou Greenway Trail Network. 

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A friendly city employee called me the day after I submitted about the TC Jester request and told me he would go check out the site and report his findings. He said someone else get back to me. Basically they closed the case yesterday said they are not able to do anything at that location

Please be advised that your case has now been closed. Please find the details of your case below:
  • Case Status: Resolved  - Service Completed 
  • Case Number: 12537550-2300812509 (Alternate Case Number : N/A )
  • Service Request Type:  Street Hazard
  • Concern: Sidewalk / Curb - Street Hazard
  • Address of the Problem: 701 T C JESTER BLVD
  • Resolution: 
    Resolution :
    07. Investigation / Inspection completed

    Close Comments :
    Beyond routine maintenance we don't install sidewalks. 
Please visit our  Houston 311 Case Map for details. To view your case history, please click here: COH Case2300812509 . For any questions or concerns, please call 311. If outside Houston, dial 713-837-0311.
Thank you.

Another city employee called me today about the Memorial Dr @ Shepherd location. He was on site and wanted to understand the nature of the request more. He said he will back up the request to add ADA ramps and restripe the crosswalk on the east side of Shepherd as requested. He said it could take about a month to do if approved..  we will see

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