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Wilkins Boulevard In The TMC


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Apparently, there was a roadway called Wilkins Boulevard in the Texas Medical Center. 

Currently, there is a Wilkins Street near Houston Methodists' Inpatient Campus across from the TMC McGovern Commons. Wilkins Street is a very, very short street that only spans 300 feet or so that appears to dead-end in the middle of HMH buildings. The street is probably only used for deliveries to the Houston Methodist towers. 

I believe the Wilkins Boulevard and Wilkins Street are two separate roadways? 

I heard stories that the original Institute of Religion was located on Wilkins Boulevard.  Can anyone confirm this? 

I wonder when the Wilkins Boulevard was abandoned by the city? 


I was browsing a Shell Oil Company map dated in 1956. It looks like Wilkins extended all the way to Fannin Street.  I bet the original Institute of Religion was located on the corner of Fannin Street at Wilkins Street.

Present day, Wilkins does not extend to Fannin. Houston Methodist bought and demolished their building to build their patient towers.





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