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Some KPRC Changes In Schedule


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How do you like the new schedule and who anchors what news time on channel 2?

I speculate a lot of hate and anger between the talking heads there. They stabbed Khambrel Marshall and linda Lorell in the back. I have and will misspell many names here so deal with it.

The morning show. It has improved a lot ever since Owen Conflenti and Rachel McNeil host it now. McNeil started off a reporter and rightfully IMHO earned a seat on the desk. I like that she does not banter and make stupid jokes or ask "what do you mean by that?" after a field reporter has given a complete report. Conflenti I have no idea as to where he is from or his experience but I see big time network star in this guy. He's got a voice for radio and a face okay for TV. He is sort of creepy though cause he stares at his co-host like a stalker when she is doing the talking.

I'm glad they took Sara Allen off of the air after her 3-5 month stint as the host. She would make the news way too cheery and bright. I'd say her "nice and sweet" routine was to the point it made you want to vomit. She also had these crazy eyes that came through the TV and hypnotized the viewer into "NBC good....watch channel 2....good...". YIKES! I read in the paper a while ago that Gasia Makelian moved to San Fransico's NBC station casuse that is her hometown. I must say I miss her commedy a lot. She used to co-host it a long time and when her co-host talked about something like a murder suicide she would just smile really hard and stay frozen staring into to the camera. She was a great commedian and had one hell of a great dentist!

I don't watch mid day of evenings much so I dunno what has occured there. I do know that they put Linda Lorell on the earlier broadcast and left Balleza and Sachse with the prime time spot at night. Khambrel is no where to be found after he toiled for them for at least 4 years.

Man what I wouldn't give to hear the behind the scenes comments and see the footage of what is going on there. There must be so much hate and jealousy.

Anyone know why they shuffled so many people around like this?

BTW, I still think Gerome Gray should have Greg Hurst's job on KHOU. That guy has been on the air since I was a kid at the same station. Sherr Min Chow should be the lead female anchor there as well.

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Sherr Min Chow should be the lead female anchor there as well.

I disagree with the Gasia Makelian & Sherr Min Chow thoughts. However, you did hit the nail on the head about Gasia smiling into the camera like a drunk deer in the headlights, no matter what story was being reported. That sure got on my nerves.

As for Sher Min Chow, she's an older asian version of Katie Couric. I'd rather see Chow Nguyen instead of her.

Modern local news is a joke these days anyway. How can you watch any station that will use a dog to boost ratings, another that highlights which restaurants have slime in their ice-machines, or one that has Jonathon Walton as a daily segment?

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Chau Winn still looks wet behind the ears. At the news desk I like to see someone I can take seriously. Winn kinda seems to try very hard to fit into that news reporter role and seems not to be herself when speaking. Sher Minn is much more herself and relaxed when speaking. There is no substitue for experience.

OMG, don't get me started on Walton's World. I have nothing to cite for my feelings on this but I would not feel comfortable leaving women and children alone in the same room with this guy.

Conflenti I like casue he is a thorwback to a sort of ealry 90s look with the clean cut all news and no stupidity to try to look fun and cool.

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I disagree with the Gasia Makelian & Sherr Min Chow thoughts. However, you did hit the nail on the head about Gasia smiling into the camera like a drunk deer in the headlights, no matter what story was being reported. That sure got on my nerves.

As for Sher Min Chow, she's an older asian version of Katie Couric. I'd rather see Chow Nguyen instead of her.

Modern local news is a joke these days anyway. How can you watch any station that will use a dog to boost ratings, another that highlights which restaurants have slime in their ice-machines, or one that has Jonathon Walton as a daily segment?

Chow has longevity on her side. But she's totally lacking in other departments.

She's barely a mediocre reporter and word in the newsroom is that the only reason she's kept around is because of EEOC.

A good example of her mediocrity was during Yao Ming's first news conference. She decided to show how "Chinese" she was by asking him a question in his native tongue. She got six words into it, stuttered, froze up, then sat back down. It looked like what happens when a kid practices her vocabulary words all night and then blows it the next day during the spelling bee.

Someone in the newsroom once showed her an interesting recently-purchased trinket. She didn't recognize that it was covered in numbers 1-12 written in Chinese. The owner (who knew what it was) asked if she could read any of it. She said she couldn't.

Al Sharpton likes to call people "Ring Dings" -- back on the outside, white on the inside, and no nuts.

I don't know what the Chinese equivalent is.

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Are we sure Khambrel just didn't move away to another station?

I like Owen. I first started seeing him during the Rita coverage.

It's a little weird how attenative he appears while his co-anchors talk. I like it and it's a little creepy.

Also, all my friends and I think he's pretty hot.

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Old email from Gasia that I wrote her before she left for SF.

This is while she was a reporter and Sarah had just taken her spot.


-----Original Message-----

From: Payam [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:18 PM

To: gasia@click2houston.com

Subject: Where did you go?


Why has Sarah Allen been in your spot?

I thought you were on vacation this past month, and then I saw you as a reporter?

I hope you go back to anchoring again soon.

Best Regards,



From: Gasia Mikaelian [mailto:gmikaelian@kprc.com]

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 4:35 PM

To: Payam

Subject: RE: Where did you go?

Good Afternoon Payam,

Thanks for your note. While I am no longer anchoring Daybreak, I am glad I was able to brighten your mornings for almost two years. I am staying with Channel 2, as a special projects reporter and fill-in anchor. While the change was not by my choice, I am making the best of it.

Thanks again for writing, and I hope you have a great day!

-Gasia Mikaelian


I think I should write to Sara, maybe she will leave!

It is her fault Gasia left.

Edited by Pumapayam
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Now this thread is really getting off topic so I'll do the same.

Sara reminds you of grandma even though she is not that old.

Gasia was not that old either. I'd guess early 30s but she reminds you of mom for some reason.

Khambrel I used to hate when he first started because you could tell he was totally putting on an act to fit in and have these ultra right wing KPRC views when making the stupid comments and such.

Ahhhh so we get to Reggie Aqui....lol......yes I can see why women would dig this guy. He seems non-threatening and is a snappy dresser so I understand.

Who was it that used to be a reporter on channel 2 like 1-2 years ago?

I can't recall a name at all but I think she under 25 and would always were t-shirts and blue jeans to do stories in. Now she was hot. lol

BTW, what do you all think of Illona Carson on KTRK? Is she related to Jan Carson that used to be on KPRC?

Illona annoys me to death cause she vomits information and covers it with a constant flow of stupid comments. When she does the news with Dave Ward it's a disaster. People need to shut up when Dave is talking.

I have noticed in the past on KTRK that Tim Heller gets little or no bantering and stupid jokes thrown at him from anyone. It must be in his contract.

On KHOU I always feel sorry for David Paul for some reason. He seems like their whipping boy and is always on the recieving end of jokes. He seems like he's too nice to be in TV.

I am just wondering why some of you wish Gasia would be back on in the AM show?

She was a great commedian in that she would give a happy and frozen smile into the camera even when the story was of some crackhead going on a killing spree and running down the highway naked and causing a wreck that kills 10 people.

Was it just her looks or her reporting that you miss?

She did have perhaps the top 5% bracket of teeth.

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Shern-Min Puppy Chow is an overzealous, annoying mouse of a field reporter disguised as a serious journalist. She should never be an anchor. I can't STAND her! GAWD! :lol:

Reggie is the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown. Please. The only thing missing is a rainbow sticker.

I like the new chick on KTRK...Ilona Carlson? She's 13's answer to Dominique, who I think missed her calling in Hollywood. She's too beautiful for journalism.

My favorite total loser is Ted Oberg. OMG do we love to make fun of that dork.

Edited by Parrothead
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I can't recall a name at all but I think she under 25 and would always were t-shirts and blue jeans to do stories in. Now she was hot. lol

Chris Wraggie (or however you spell it)? Oh yeah! Before he came here, he was a correspondent for "Entertainment Tonight". Back when "ET" was good. Before it had these hosts who become so excited you expect their faces to pop off and them to hyperventilate to death. Oh, I just can't tolerate "ET" these days.


Oops. lol! I misread. Thought you were talking about a dude.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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...what do you all think of Illona Carson on KTRK? Is she related to Jan Carson that used to be on KPRC?

Illona annoys me to death cause she vomits information and covers it with a constant flow of stupid comments. When she does the news with Dave Ward it's a disaster. People need to shut up when Dave is talking.

I've wondered that myself if Illona is possibly Jan Carson's daughter. I agree that when Dave speaks none of the other's should say a word but I think she's still trying to fit in so she just goes on. She is kinda nice to look at though.

I have noticed in the past on KTRK that Tim Heller gets little or no bantering and stupid jokes thrown at him from anyone. It must be in his contract.

I like him. He's very professional and rarely stumbles over his words. My ex and I used to get a kick out of how much Ed Brandon stutters and falls all over what he's saying. You could get a tequila shot game going over his reports and do a shot everytime he messed up and be pretty smashed by the time he was done.

Who I really like and would like to see more of is Stephanie Guadian. She's a babe. Her weekend anchoring just isn't enough for me.

Edited by djrage
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Illona Carson may be a looker but her personality stinks. She always has to get in the final word and can not shut the hell up even when it is the other person's turn to talk.

Ever watch Dan Lauk on CBS? Does he have epilepsy? He trembles when he talks. But he is a great reporter. His writing skills and narrartion is top notch. Ditto for Nancy Holland on KHOU. She is one of the best ever.

Oh come on, lay off of Ted Oberg. I like the guy. He's sort of our local version of Ben Stein.

NO....I mean female reporter under 25 on KPRC. I think her name was Cindy something and I she was a UT grad right around 2000. She just wore her college clothes on TV and it was cool!

BTW, I am so sick to death of Dominique Sachse. Her face looks plastic and you'd have to probably graft 2 inches into it as a medical professional before you got to tissue that was not man made. The talk of her baby also makes me want to puke. She is not the first woman on earth to have had a baby!

Hands down the best male TV broadcaster in Houston ever: Dave Ward

best female ever: Janet Shamlian

Shamlian could have been a big big network star but she married into a fortune (the Melcher famliy). I think she still does work for NBC at times but the pile of loot she is on....well, she can burn 100 dollar bills to start a fire place.

That said, she was very classy and seemingly sincere and sweet. I never heard her make a stupid comment or joke to look fun and cool.

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Shern-Min Puppy Chow is an overzealous, annoying mouse of a field reporter disguised as a serious journalist. She should never be an anchor. I can't STAND her! GAWD! :lol:

Reggie is the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown. Please. The only thing missing is a rainbow sticker.

I like the new chick on KTRK...Ilona Carlson? She's 13's answer to Dominique, who I think missed her calling in Hollywood. She's too beautiful for journalism.

My favorite total loser is Ted Oberg. OMG do we love to make fun of that dork.

Well, you save me having to post my opinion. I'd be curious to see a top ten list of Houston's five hottest male & female anchor/reporters - gay and straight.

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Anyone know why they shuffled so many people around like this?

Post-Newsweek Stations, the company that owns Channel 2, moved Steve Wasserman(the general manager that was brought in 10 or so years back when the station was sold to Post-Newsweek) to Detroit. The new GM wasted no time in making all sorts of changes.

Some were for the better, like reducing Radar's exposure, and some were for the worse, like demoting Linda Lorelle and Khambrel Marshall. Busting Linda down to midday and placing that overripe bimbo Dominique Sachse in her place was inexcusable.

And I am sick of the repeated mention of "KPRC Local 2 News". I wonder if the station is using their call letters more often to help viewers acclimate to the demise of analog signals and the switch to digital in a few years. The local stations will no longer broadcast on VHF frequencies and 2,8,11,13, etc. will become a thing of the past.

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"The new number 2" you seem like an angry channel 2 employee in disguise. Are you Linda or Khambrel in real life?

Wasserman destroyed local news sometime around 1999ish because he came up with the format everyone follows now where they cram as much as they can (with over 50% being BS stories) into 30 minutes. I also hate how they "review" the news by saying "here's what's coming up at 18 past the hour". That silly 1-2 minute weather report they give and then say "stay tuned for a complete forecast" is like giving a smoker one puff of a cig to keep him waiting for the rest of it.

All of these KPRCisms have infested all but the WB news that is the most professional these days because they do not use these juvenile techniques.

So good riddens to Wasserman and pity on Detriot.

Back when I was in high school in 1996 they did have a 4pm news on 2 with Rob Johnson and Bret Leigh. It was still the traditional respectable presentation so it was cool. Both of those 2 were late 20's or early 30s age and I suppose there were too many rumors of extra-cirricular activities between them or something.

This new manager did make some good changes. Kudos to him for getting Sara Allen off the AM show, adding Conflenti, promoting McNeil, and cutting radar time.

If he or she only fired Balleza and Sachse and replaced them with the WBs Steve Simon and Katie McCall it would be great.

BTW, if you are an angry channel 2 employee and get some insider info or you yourself decide to go postal on air or something please give us 2 days advance notice so we can all watch 2 to see the "BIG STORY".

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I got an email back from SARA ALLEN from KPRC, hopefully she won't get mad about me posting, but it explains alot about why Owen and Rachel are in her spot now!


From: Sara Allen [mailto:sallen@kprc.com]

Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 6:39 PM

To: Payam

Subject: RE: More Changes to the morning crew

Hi Payam-

Thank you so much for your sweet note! As you noticed, there are a lot of changes happening at Local 2. The new General Manager has decided that he wants to shuffle the anchor teams - and that's why Khambrel and I have been moved off the morning show, and others have been moved around as well. Actually, I am not unhappy with my move - I am now anchoring on the *weekends* - and getting to do the *nighttime shift!!* That means I'm doing the 6pm and 10pm shows on Saturday and the 5pm and 10pm on Sunday. So no more 2am wake up calls! And since I am 8 months pregnant, it's not bad to get to "sleep in" until 7am. Along with anchoring the weekends, I am now reporting "from the field" 3 days a week too, like you noticed.

It was a surprise to us all when they made these changes - each anchor "team" was changed OR our timeslot was changed.....except for Dominique and Bill at 10pm. I think everyone is adjusting...and as I mentioned, I'm quite happy to be anchoring weekends and getting the chance to fill in for the main shows. But I know it's a shock to our viewers, like you!

You are kind to mention that you liked our morning team, even after Gasia left. But unlike Gasia, I am not looking to leave town or even the station anytime soon. My husband's entire family is here - over 25 family members within a 25 minute drive!! It is so important that my son (and new baby!) grow up near family, so we have every intention of staying in Houston! I hope to be a part of the station for years to come!

Thanks again for the kind email - and for your concern. You made my day! Hope you can watch the show tomorrow - I'm anchoring the 6pm!! -Sara Allen, Local 2

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