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A Board Game For Grown-ups?


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We've played a version of this game a couple of times now out in the Spring area.

Whenever the Grand Parkway Association would decide to hold a public hearing about their proposed plans, they would bring out some big blown-up maps of the area, and then put them out on easels.

Soon enough, the residents in those areas would start complaining that their subdivisions, schools, homes, shopping centers weren't even shown on the supposedly current maps. Even though, some of these subdivisions have been out here for five years!

What a fun game, telling the engineers from Austin that the maps they had been given to look out didn't exactly match reality. The blank looks on their faces spoke volumes about how the game is played...

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I for one truly believe there will be 8 million people here by 2035. Houston has over 500 square miles of city space in which to grow, New York has less than half that and it already has probably 10 million or more in its metroplex area. I think this city can handle the growth.

population growth:






this is just Houston proper, and doesn't include the Metroplex area.

I know Pineda doesn't want to see any of this growth, because that's gonna mean cuttin down some trees. We'll all be luck to see 2035. So I wouldn't worry so much about how we are gonna fit everybody in here. :lol:

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I know Pineda doesn't want to see any of this growth, because that's gonna mean cuttin down some trees.

I think you're being a bit too generous with your statement "cuttin down some trees". In the Spring area, at least, our developers like to cut down ALL the trees. :lol:

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