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Still with the dusty bridges?

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I've noticed on my morning and evening commute that there's still a lot of gravel on certain bridges that were added on that hard freeze day in January. It got rid of some of the ice but made driving even more of a pain since it got on windshields, and the windshield wiper fluid was frozen over since I thought that the "Summer Formula" would be good year-round for Texas (I imagine that I was not the only driver who had that exact situation). There just still seems to be a lot of gravel/sand left on bridges despite some showers and other rainfall. Are those ever going to get clean or washed away?

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I reported the Ardmore St. bridge over Brays Bayou to 311 because it had so much sand and gravel placed on it that it was bumpy and kicking up dust and rocks like driving over a country road. They sent a street sweeper about 2 weeks after I made the request, but it was raining that day and they didn't get it all up. There's still some gravel left on the bridge and sidewalks, so I reported it again and COH closed the ticket claiming it didn't pose a safety hazard. :blink:

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