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Greetings Everyone........

SO YOU'VE REELED ME IN, and this is great thing indeed. Every since I have stumbled across this magnificent forum of ideas, opinions, sarcasms, love & subconcious devotion to this great city of Houston that most of us shall call home, I have been pulled toward this website with an unparalleled force searching for more info on some of these great and prospective ventures headed towards our great city.

I moved to the city of Houston in the summer of 1983, and I can honestly assure anyone that I have fallen deeply for the BIG H. I spent a lot of time working in the medical center before I moved on to the oil & gas sector wthin Downtown Houston.

Many of us have been waiting, hearing, and contemplating for many years about all or most of the prospective's that have been slated towards various sections/districts within our city. Please allow me to focus on Houston Pavilions first and foremost......

Please forgive me for I am truly guilty of becoming a bonafide nutcase in regards to current events............for I look, listen, and try hard to prepare for almost anything that can play a role in the overall enhancement or growth of this town we call Houston. H-Pavilions has been a longed planned albeit very hush hush prospective entertainment entity. Conceptualized and modeled after it's sister facility within the city of Denver, it should truly be a monument to urban big city capitalism. I have often wondered as to why it was taking the developer such a long time to bring forth this prospect, but I have come to somewhat expect any form of red tape and bureaucracy usually initiated by our ultra conservative city officials. For in the very beginning, H-Pavilions was actually planned to be built right in front of the GRB, on the very land that our proposed new park will be built. But I must admit that I still indeed find it a bit strange that American Apparel will build inside the old Sakowitz structure directly in front of what will eventually become Macy's. I guess somewhere in my heart of hearts that I was hoping for a bit of a miracle for some developer to come in and resurrect this building to it's original splendor with the opening of a grand department store instead of a mall type concept that is American Apparel.

I am most certain that we that frequent this forum know within our heart of hearts that one day soon downtown Houston shall indeed shine and gleem with magnificence with all of the new prospects that eventually follow such prime innovations, but what we just don't know is just what does the Macy's Corp. have in-store for the old downtown Foley's venue.

Shall it be totally renovated from ground up? For it most definately needs to be........ or what? At this point I am totally curious.........

anyone care to elaborate..........so glad to be here................metropolitantexan

Great post but sorry I do not have any info on Macy's, but what do you mean when you say mall concept that is American Apparel?

Well. maybe I am misinterpreting the developers plans for this retail entity, but I do believe that American Apparel will only occupy a small portion of the old Sakowitz building. Therefore, I have relegated them to mall status. Although, I am most certain that there will be a viable market for them in downtown Houston, I just really feel that they would be somewhat better suited for the H-Pavilions property.

My personal opinion is that the Sakowitz building is more better suited for something on a more grander scale.......something that will add a more consistent/upscale feel for that ever revolving sector of downtown.


Oh ok. I just would not consider shops that you can enter fom the street 'mall status'. They are not indoor shops that you walk through a hallway to get to. There will be more stores on the bottom floor of Sakowitz just like Houston Pavilions.

Oh yeah and welcome to HAIF

Well. maybe I am misinterpreting the developers plans for this retail entity, but I do believe that American Apparel will only occupy a small portion of the old Sakowitz building.  Therefore, I have relegated them to mall status.  Although, I am most certain that there will be a viable market for them in downtown Houston, I just really feel that they would be somewhat better suited for the H-Pavilions property.

My personal opinion is that the Sakowitz building is more better suited for something on a more grander scale.......something that will add a more consistent/upscale feel for that ever revolving sector of downtown.

I agree with you, but when its been so long like it has been just plan dead in downtown, you will take anything. Besides from the stores I have seen on their website, the stores look pretty well, almost upscale.

What I want to know is why they don't show Houston as a comming soon location on there website, but they have Dallas on there. And why does Atlanta get 2?

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