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HISD Chief Auditor Reinstated

Blue Dogs

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The Houston Independent School District's chief auditor was allowed to return to work Wednesday, 5 months after the board suspended him for alleged misconduct & ordered an investigation.


Despite the reinstatement of Richard Patton, his attorney, David Feldman, said the district owes him a public apology for an "unnecessary" investigation that appeared to focus on the auditor asking his assistant to scan some personal documents for him using work equipment.


Feldman also expressed concern that Patton's responsibilities seem to have been scaled back, a move he called an attempt "to further silence the man who is supposed to be your watchdog."


The ongoing tension sets the stage for a possible courtroom battle.


Patton had filed a grievance against the district over his suspension in June, asking for his job back & alleging he was being retaliated against for reporting suspected illegal activity involving HISD business to law enforcement. Feldman said at the time that if the grievance did not fix matters, Patton would file a whistleblower lawsuit against HISD.


Thoughts on the Patton controversy surrounding HISD ?

A.) Like it


B.) Hated it


C.) Wait & see approach

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