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Upscale Vietnamese restaurant?

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A good friend, who's Vietnamese and moved out of Houston about 15 years ago, is looking for a place to have a wedding dinner party for her family and friends in Houston. She's also planning an American-style wedding so she's feeling pretty overwhelmed and asked if I could help her find a nice Vietnamese restaurant here in town.


She's looking for something nicer than Kim Son. I don't really have any ideas because "upscale" isn't what I look for when I go out for Vietnamese. Yelp wasn't much help, because there aren't any Vietnamese places above $ or $$. 


I figure there must be something in all the new construction out in Bellaire, as the Vietnamese community has shifted from fourth ward to out there. Anyone have any thoughts?


(Mai's could be fun - I haven't eaten there since they rebuilt, but it sure looks a lot nicer. But my friend was a fellow Rice student in the 90's, so may not be able to get over the idea that it's the grungy place that'll feed you even after Dominos is closed.)

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