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Houston: Learning from Other Cities Similar to Us

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I'd like for us to start a discussion on what best practices we can take and learn from cities that are similar to us, in the sense that they are changing from car-centric/suburban to pedestrian-oriented/urban.


First, let's identify those cities already successfully going through that process.


Second, what have they done? How have they overcome the hurdles going from car centered to pedestrian-accommodating.


We all have a list of complaints about how Houston is urbanizing wrong, like not enough GFR, still too car-centric, too may parking spaces/garages etc etc.


I  know we're starting to head in the right direction, but like a quote in my signature says, "Houston is getting the density with none of the benefits." After all, what's the point of urbanizing unless you can live a full pedestrian life? Or will Houston always be stuck between a midrise and a car?


Hopefully those who are well traveled and lived in these types of urban areas will be a huge help.


Is Denver one of the cities doing it right?


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I seem to recall that Portland at least went basically through a "forced density"-type thing and for many, that wasn't well-received at all. Honestly for Houston, I find the townhomes most distasteful. Maybe if they hid the driveways in an alley...

Edited by IronTiger
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