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Brazos Buildings & Businesses

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I don't know if this is an "allowed" posting, but I wanted to share my blog in more detail than my sig can. Basically, it catalogs the history of the buildings in College Station-Bryan (advertisements and photos both) to tell a complete story. Many items were chains from out of Houston like Randall's or Wolfe Nursery. I've done TAMU buildings like the MSC or Dulie Bell Building (RIP). Shopping centers like Townshire or Manor East Mall. There's also more old restaurant-related stuff than you can shake a stick at (nearly half the posts feature restaurants some way or another). If you live or lived in College Station-Bryan at some point in the past, I encourage you to check this out.

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I matriculated in the motherland from '95 through '01 (two degrees, not two victory laps), and even over that time frame the place changed so much. Since then, new stuff just keeps getting crammed in, which I count as a very good thing. 


It is an interesting place. Geographically, it should be rural, but you blend in tens of thousands of people from some of the largest metro areas in the nation and switch them out every 4 (or 6) years, step away from the university itself and it gets very rural very quickly, a curious dynamic. I would not have wanted to do college any other way. UT's influence in Austin is definitely there, but it may be 20% of what makes the city what it is, A&M is like 90% of B/CS. As a student, that was awesome. 

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