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L.V. Thomas And Motherless Child Blues


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It being June, I spent the morning reading the Sunday, April 14th, New York Times magazine. I held on to it because there was a piece by John Jeremiah Sullivan, a writer I watch for, on whatever subject. That piece turned out, unexpectedly, to be a purely Houston story:




I read it quite breathlessly - it's that engrossing. I wanted to wait until I finished to google up the - long-lost, now famed (among enthusiasts) - recording. This was because I'm not a blues aficionado. In particular I can't pretend to enjoy those scratchy old recordings, though I am not tone-deaf to their cultural value. Just ... I've observed this deficiency about myself in connection with other things encountered secondhand, not just blues, that send people into raptures.


But then the song did not disappoint:




Edited by luciaphile
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Having read the article in the NYT Magazine, you will probably find this 2002 piece on Mack McCormick from Texas Monthly to be of interest:




And since you mentioned watching out for articles by Sullivan, on the off chance you haven't already seen it, there's this one from the Paris Review:



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