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Montrose Sidewalks- Time For A Plan


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well they are going to have to get in line like all the other districts and areas that need improvements lol. Montrose really is terrible in terms of its infrastructure in general and needs a major fix all around. Not just sidewalks

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I lived near Branard and Driscoll for 6 years and suffered through the crappy streets and sidewalks - we moved last year and immediately afterwards all of the sidewalks were redone (ugh), and I see on the ReBuild Houston website the streets in the same area are due for an overlay this year.  So at least parts of Montrose are getting some attention

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I can't tell you how many times I've busted my arse on those sidewalks.  One consideration, though, is that I was always walking home from a bar at night.  I think the sidewalks are the responsibilty of the property owners.

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We too have always been told that sidewalks and curbs are the responsibility of the home owner. 


That said, I would think that before posting this petition, the people behind it would have checked out all the COH requirements.  There may actually be special circumstances where the city would do the work.



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@little frau,


Correct, the property owner is responsible for their sidewalk but the City does not enforce this thus it is as if this ordinance does not exist. COH has become a bit better with new construction but there's much falling apart in the meanwhile, particularly in older neighborhoods like Montrose.  And, the integration between various departments within the City as well as with utility service providers is non existent.  It is not uncommon to see fire hydrants, telephone poles, gas meters, utility boxes, signage, etc in the middle of a sidewalk.  One take:  http://pedestrianpete.com/2013/08/08/infrastructure-failures-on-west-dallas-taft/


There are special circumstances where the City would do they work (usually funded by federal dollars), however it is difficult for this work to be approved or funded and areas that once had sidewawalks are deprioritized.   Quite a few of us have been through the PAR and SSP program process.  And even if approved, it is piecemeal and does not address how unfriendly "walkable" Montrose is for pedestrians and those that use mobility devices.

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 Another problem is that some are sunk to hold standing rain water even sewage from flooded sewers and there are areas along streets and rail crossings where there are no sidewalks . If someone was running say for example catching a bus and have to cross the tracks it is possible they could trip or stumble because of the ballast , rails , or crossbuck signs and gates that are in the way where there should have been a sidewalk . The crossbucks and gates should be moved a few inches to the side to allow right of way for pedestrians but still allowing trains major right of way or build a sidewalk segment around them across tracks flushed to the tops of the rails allowing trench room for wheel flanges with gates guarding the sidewalk crossing like in some areas around the city where there are at-grade crossings . 

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