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Apartment Leasing


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Houston has many apartment properties around and outside the city . There are many floor plans and amenities to choose from . Having a good income and reasonable budget is very essential . For those who are first time renters , this would be a good to begin to establish credit . Here are some very important do's and don'ts . For info on subsidized housing , please refer to topic HCVP(Section 8)&Public Housing that I posted . 


Apartment/Townhome Leasing (Do's)


1. Income & Budget 

As mentioned earlier ,having a good income and reasonable budget is very essential . Make sure you have a good or high enough income which is more than what the leasing office is asking for rent . A good budget is very important . If you are not good budgeting expenses , this would be good practice for you . I would suggest having more than one income would help . One to pay rent , utility , and or apt. insurance which is a city requirement . 


2. Know how many rooms that you want to lease . 

The number of bedrooms depends on how much you're willing to pay for rent . Because they charge by the amount of space and make that it is within your budget . Some or most properties have a strict rental policy. 


3.Know who will be on your lease . 

Pay very close attention to this . Knowing who will be occupying on your lease is a must. Your dependents are a priority. This also determines how many rooms and what kind of unit will be leased . 


4. Know where you want to stay 

If you're paying out of pocket , you have the right to choose where you want to be located on the property . In some instances , it is probability that the property may not have the unit you're looking for that is to be expected . You can go with what they have or go to another property. 


5. Check the condition of the property 

Checking the condition of the property and how management does housekeeping and maintainence determines if it is rentable condition for residence . This is also very important because of the property's value . Just the outside appearance can be sometimes decieving and mysterious at the same time because it can tell you what the interior looks like . Examine before you rent . 


6. Pay very close attention to the neighood or vacinity the property is in . 

Look at your surroundings and locations for your outside ammenities to determine the safety of where you're staying . Crime is a deciding factor when looking for a apartment . 


7. Having a good insurance 

Having a good insurance is not much a priority but it is in case of theft , fire ,storm , flood damage . This will cover your possessions and having medical coverage is good . As you are looking , research for a good affordable policy . 


Apartment Leasing/Townhome Leasing (Don'ts)


1. Do not falsify your lease . 

Never lie on your lease because the information you provide can be verified or they can ask you to verify it before they accept your application . They do background checks . 


2. Do not any not covered on your lease in your unit . 

This is a automatic eviction if caught . They may give you a warning or an ultimatum of putting whomever on your lease and paying more rent or paying for breech of lease and moving altogether . 

3. Never lie about your income . 

Do not say you have more than enough income when you only have just enough for the rent . You're living outside your means and lying to yourself . Many people do this all the time when they know they have to eat and have other expenses they can't cover because they lied about their income . 


4.*** Under no circumstances ,never be late or come up short on the rent . *** 

At no time , should you be late or come up short on your rent at all . Rent is paid in full at all times on time no excuses period. You can be late on utility but never on the rent. Always have the full amount and pay it on time . Use a money order .


5. Never be too late on your utility . 

They will work with you on your utility if you tell them your situation , i.e. when you will be paid , due date , etc . only if you are making payments on the bill. Never allow your utility to be disconnected . 


6. ***"All Bills Paid"*** 

This is a widely known advertisement used all the time to draw in new tenants . This is ad mysteriously and wrongfully used as false advertisement . Many apartment seekers are often tricked or taken advantage of because management is only looking at the money and not the tenants . This is also tells how well or not the management know or doing their jobs . Be aware of this gimmick . Many people have wrongfully lost money over this gimmick because they were led to believe that their bills would be taken out of the rent not knowing that the bills are separate. 


7.Never pay and don't abtain a receipt .

Never pay your utility or rent and dont abtain a receipt . Always get a receipt to back up paying the rent or utility. It is proof that you paid if they were to say you didn't . 


8. Never just move in and don't examine the unit . 

Do not sign anything or put down a deposit until you examine that unit . Make sure that unit doesn't have any damages from previous use before you do anything . 


9. Never fall for personal apt . ads . 

There are many personal apt ads out there claiming that people are renting out their units to others . Sometimes or often that is a scam . I will cover this in City Hall Forums(Crime and Punishment) because there is more to this . Be careful of fake apt ads . 


10. Never go by word or mouth . 

Always do your research . People can lie to you . Never go on what they're saying which can be misleading . 


11. Never have a pitbull , mastiff , or any yard dog in your unit . 

Same as the occupancy rule , this can be a automatic eviction . Though pit bulls are apt . dogs , according to city hall , an ordinance was passed making them illegal to own or have in the city limits . The reason why they are not allowed in your unit . Yard dogs require much room and a apt. is limited . For maintainence or management to enter your unit if necessary, you dog must be a small house dog . 

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11. Never have a pitbull , mastiff , or any yard dog in your unit . 

Same as the occupancy rule , this can be a automatic eviction . Though pit bulls are apt . dogs , according to city hall , an ordinance was passed making them illegal to own or have in the city limits . The reason why they are not allowed in your unit . Yard dogs require much room and a apt. is limited . For maintainence or management to enter your unit if necessary, you dog must be a small house dog . 


This isn't true. There is no such ordinance in Houston. 

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Yes , it is true , this ordinance was passed during the post Katrina/Rita period a few years ago because of the rise in dog attacks and the illegal use of dogs to guard stashhouses around the city and illegal dogfighting . This was also on the news. The ordinance hasn't really became widespread around the city but it exist . 

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Yes , it is true , this ordinance was passed during the post Katrina/Rita period a few years ago because of the rise in dog attacks and the illegal use of dogs to guard stashhouses around the city and illegal dogfighting . This was also on the news. The ordinance hasn't really became widespread around the city but it exist . 


No, it is not true. There is an ordinance against dangerous dogs, but not specifically against pit bulls, mastiffs, or any other breed. https://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=10123 Chapter 6.


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