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Westheimer Art Festival Video

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How cool.  When I first started the video my thought was "All I remember about the Westheimer Festival was people carrying snakes".  Sure enough a few seconds later the video shows a guy with a snake.   ^_^


Thanks for posting that!



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How cool.  When I first started the video my thought was "All I remember about the Westheimer Festival was people carrying snakes".  Sure enough a few seconds later the video shows a guy with a snake.   ^_^


Thanks for posting that!


1st thing I noticed was the film was totally minus any art. Thought it was an art festival.


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  • 5 years later...

The video is gone. I would love to seer it if it can be re-uploaded.


When my son was about nine, he asked me one Spring day if we could go to the Renaissance Fair again that year as we had done a couple of times before. I assured him that if he brought home a good report card, we'd go when it came around that Fall. Sure enough he worked harder than ever and gave me all A's and a B or two.


It was on.


So Fall came around and he reminded my of my promise almost daily. I got tickets and the day arrived and he was soooo excited.


We're heading out early in the morning and about halfway up 249, (it was probably still FM149 at that time), he said "Are you sure this is the right way? It doesn't look right."


(I assume given the subject of this thread that you already know where this is going...)


We get out to the site in Magnolia and he says, in a very disappointed voice, "This isn't it", and starts describing to me the street fair where all the people were walking around with the big snakes.


We still laugh about that every time either The Ren Fair or the Street Festival comes up in conversation.


Am I the only one who misses Carolyn Wonderland and the Imperial Monkeys at Ming's?

Edited by DWah
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  • 1 month later...
  • The title was changed to Westheimer Art Festival Video

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