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Guest danax

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Guest danax

Now known as Hogg Middle School in the Heights. Anyone know when this school opened? It looks like 1920s or 30s. The reason I ask is that I was at an estate sale in the lovely neighborhood of Norhill recently and found, in an old, dusty box in the back of the garage, some of these old light fixtures.9vd3rt.jpg

There were 10, all matching and with matching globes. The style is commonly called "schoolhouse" as they were often used in schools, commercial buildings as well as homes from the teens through the 30s. Two of the globes are over 12" across, which is quite large for a 1922 bungalow, which is where I found them. They were wrapped in newspapers from 5-26-75.

I'm wondering if anyone who attended Hogg Junior High back in the day might remember fixtures like these there.

The reason I mention Hogg is because the husband of the woman who owned the house and passed away was the principal there. I also found some very large window pulleys, weights and sash chain that were too hefty for a normal sized home. He died in '94 at 85 years old so he would've likely have been principal there from maybe the 50s-70s. His name was Rollins. Did they possibly do a remodel in '75 and Mr. Rollins couldn't bear to see them get tossed?

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Guest danax
Interestingly, the latest Woodland Heights newsletter notes that a task force has been formed to revitalize Hogg Middle School, including a "restoration of the building entrance to the original facade, lobby, and auditorium". Maybe they will want their lights back ;)


That is interesting. Thanks for the information. I'm gonna contact them and see if they have any interior shots of the school showing the lights and/or if they remodeled in 1975. If it becomes evident that these lights came from there, then I will have been used as a conduit for their return.

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  • The title was changed to Hogg Middle School At 1100 Merrill St.

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