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World War 2 Memorial On Heights Blvd.


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Is anyone familiar with the organization or city department responsible for the WWII Memorial on Heights Blvd at 11th Street?  For what seems like several years, I have noticed that the exterior structure could use some repairs and what was once nighttime lighting on the perimeter of the structure seems to have suffered from the effects of time.  With Memorial day right around the corner, I thought Id ask to learn who I could direct attention or funds to encourage its maintenance.

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I would be interested in finding that out myself, or help out. My dad's name is on that memorial. He was one of those Heights verterans that got to attend the dedication ceremony. He has since passed away, as so many of those guys have since then.

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I don't think it's maintained by the city - my recollection is that it was pretty much an all-volunteer effort. I seem to recall it was already rehabbed once at some point within the past dozen or so years, which may have been when the lights were installed.


Have you checked with the Houston Heights Association? They have a Boulevard Committee, and someone there should have more information. 

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  • The title was changed to World War 2 Memorial On Heights Blvd.

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