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Abandoned Neighborhoods


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Anybody know of any abandoned neighborhoods and why they are abandoned


Knobcrest and I45 just north of Greens Rd along greens bayou I think there is a thread about this neighborhood here








Brio Superfund site Beamer and Sawyer Rd everyone know about this neighborhood







Tri City Beach Rd and Coral Crest right next to Ceader bayout and Bay Oaks Harbor just south east of Baytown I need more info on this neightborhood







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There are several in Harris County. One I am immediately familiar with is in the area on the northeast side bordered by Halls Bayou, Little York, Hirsch, and US 59 North. The neighborhood was destroyed by Halls Bayou during TS Allison. I beleieve the government bought them out, razed the area, and broke up the streets to where the neighborhood is not accessible by vehicles. The whole area has gone to seed and is a haven for illegal dumping and is a pretty rough and dangerous area. I live not too far from it and I wouldn't go exploring down there.


I think there is another thread about this somewhere.

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As I recall, Baytown's Brownwood neighborhood had to be abandoned because of land subsidence. The area was sinking into the San Jacinto River and it finally became unliveable. Residents were forced to move out and find higher ground. That area is now completely underwater.

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Brownwood now the Baytown Nature Center


1957 aerial map






1966 aerial map you can see the very south tip is now under water






1981 aerial map about 3 yrs before everyone started to leave






2002 aerial map everyone has left







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Halls Bayou from Shady Ln to the other side of 59 to Willie st


West Of 59 South of Halls bayou


1966 aerial map




2004 aerial map everyone has left after Allison there are only a few streets that back up to Halls bayou




East of 59


1966 aerial map




2004 aerial map everyone has left after allison




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There is a area that use to house mobile homes that might have housed people after Allison not really sure Almeda Genoa and Pembroke just east of Cullen


2002 aerial map just yet just a open field




2004 you can see all the mobile homes




No idea when this one was talk half of the mobile homes are gone this looks to be about the time people starting looting them and steaming all the copper and other stuff people could sell



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This neighborhood is slowly dying you can see it over time South Of Long Dr West of South Wayside.  Maybe the warehouses along Mykawa are the reasons why a good number people left this neighborhood


1964 aerial map all the houses are there




1981 aerial map a lot of people have left




No idea the yr of this aerial map more people have left






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Small apt complex or town homes looks like a flood moved everyone one Airport and Mur way about 4 blks east of Cullen.  You can still see the homes when you drive west along Airport they back up to Sims bayou you better look quick or you will miss them there are lots of trees and trash now it is a dumping ground and crime area


1981 aerial map




No idea the yr of this aerial map




Google street view





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Here is a decent size neighborhood that was planned but never built West Bellfort and Penmbridge dr south to Ludington Dr


Aerial map no idea yr you can see the proposed street that were never build weird




Google street view you can see the street that planned to be built off of Ludington but never really build




Street view 2



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This neighborhood is slowing dying you can see it over time there use to be a lot of small homes and apts complex in the area. Warehouse flood crime are the reasons why a lot of people left East of 59 from Jensen Dr to Bayou St


1966 aerial map you see there is empty space in neighborhood and how small most of the homes are




2002 aerial map a lot of people have left




No idea of yr you can see a lot of new town homes




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Isn't the reason that the homes removed east of Mykawa in Post #8 have more to do with the proposed extension of Spur 5? They have cleared homes north of 610 along the west side of the Santa Fe tracks, however most routes bring that proposed freeway over 610 west of the tracks which would be a reason to believe why most of those homes in your posted aerial have been removed. 

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4 Decent size empty lots in a row south of Cavalcde from Evelyn St to Malvern St Elysian St to Maury St these lot back of to the rail road tacks


1964 aerial map




No idea yr of this image




Google street view




Street view 2



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West of 45 South Of Blue Bell Rd from Marek St to Tamara most of the homes are gone I am guessing everyone left after flooding from Allison neighborhood backs up to a bayou and 2 ponds


2002 aerial map all homes are there




No idea yr most homes are gone




Google street view Tamara only 1 house left and 1 stripped sell house the rest are gone




Google street view 2 Dorita 2 homes standing 1 mobile home 1 stripped shell house



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4 Abandoned apt complex Inwood Forest Antoine Dr between west Tidwell and west little work


Candelight trails 5600 De Soto now a empty lot


video before it was taken down


Candelwood Glen 5399 Desoto they are still there they have not been take down yet




Gables Of Inwood 5600 Holly View Drive now a empty lot






Oakbrook 5353 De Soto have not been taked down yet






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This is a good size neighborhood Fairbanks north Houston Rd and Fairbanks White Oak Rd from Wood Bluff to Loren Ln before a flood there were 300 homes today not even 100 homes left neighborhood a good size pond to the west and south of the White Oak bayou


2002 aerial map all homes are in this neighborhood




No idea yr most of the homes are gone




Google street view




Street view 2




Street view 3




Street view 4




Street view 5




Street view 6





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Aldine Westfield Rd and Greens along Green Valley Dr decent size neighbor hood got flooded and it is way to close to the big airport everyone left


2002 aerial map




No idea yr




Google street view




Street view 2



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1960 and Continental Pkwy this neighborhood was never built all the street are still there there would have been 400+ homes if the neighborhood got built this just might be the largest neighborhood in the Houston area that was never built


Aerial map no idea yr




Google street view neighborhood entrance




Street view 2



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I grew up in the Brownwood section of Baytown from 1964 - 78.


About the section Tri-Cities Beach Rd east of Baytown, I cannot remember the name of it but it was a gated community that had a terrible problem with water and sewage lines and property owners there got into a fight with the city over providing services that killed the place.


Near that area is the old Evergreen section of Baytown (named after Ashbel Smith Evergreen estate and located off Business Highway 146 just past the Goose Lake bridge) was a thriving place after the Pelly and Goose Creek oil fields boomed up. I have talked to people who lived out there in the 1920s and 1930s. When I was in high school in the 1970s there were still a few people in the area but not anymore:




Also, portions of several neighborhoods in Baytown have been been bought up by Exxon to create a "safe zone" around their refinery. A section of Busch Terrace between North Airhart and highway 146 that I remember as an old but very busy neighborhood is gone:




Also part of the Exxon buy-up is the eastern edge of the old Wooster Neighborhood (located near Brownwood):




I went to elementary school in this area and had many friends here. It's really strange to see it dismantled:




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Antoine Dr and Victory Dr decent size neighborhood most of the homes are now after Allison 2 bayous border this neighborhood


2002 aerial map all home are there




No idea yr of this map




Google street view




Street view 2


http://imgbox.com/acbXiwwK'>acbXiwwK.jpg [


Street View 3




Street view 4





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  • 2 weeks later...

I grew up in the Brownwood section of Baytown from 1964 - 78......



Back on the subject of Brownwood for a minute (I know there's a thread dedicated to B'wood around here somewhere), someone recently posted a video on YouTube showing a drive-through of the former subdivision in 1985, about a year and a half after Alicia blew through.  Key in "Brownwood Subdivision" and you'll see it immediately.  At that time, a lot of the damaged houses were still standing...having lived there, you'll no doubt recognize a lot of it, even in its altered state.  Sad, yet intreresting at the same time.  There were some very cool houses out there, it really is a shame what happened to that area.

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