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Channel 39 format


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I like this format and wished every station would do this...no need for anchors...i do think channel 39 needs more real stories instead of some stupid ones that they put in for comedic relief, but i like this format. Any chance that this type of format will be a trend for the future?

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I personally think the new format is horrid and so do a lot of other people that I know that are in the broadcasting industry.

i can see why many in the industry wouldn't like it since they would likely be out of a job...as far as the format, i like it...just wished it was more no nonsense type and just real local news and less of the fluff stories.

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I like this format and wished every station would do this...no need for anchors...i do think channel 39 needs more real stories instead of some stupid ones that they put in for comedic relief, but i like this format. Any chance that this type of format will be a trend for the future?

Is the new format just that there are no newsreaders? Sounds like an ok idea to me.

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Newsfix is the worst thing ever. I feel like I'm watching a junior high kid's video project. "Today, some dude from the UN did whatever but look at that guy's head... could he BE any more bald?!?!?!" (and throw in still image of a cue ball). Watching it proves to me that we live in the movie Idiocracy. They'll probably even have an "Ow my balls" segment one day.

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Newsfix is the worst thing ever. I feel like I'm watching a junior high kid's video project. "Today, some dude from the UN did whatever but look at that guy's head... could he BE any more bald?!?!?!" (and throw in still image of a cue ball). Watching it proves to me that we live in the movie Idiocracy. They'll probably even have an "Ow my balls" segment one day.

The format is fine, but i agree on how they have these stupid stories or the narrator trying to be funny....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the new format just that there are no newsreaders?

This is what I don't get: They say NewsFix has no anchors or newsreaders. Huh? Then who is the idiot (and it's being kind to call him an idiot) narrating the stories?!?

Brian 023 was right... watching NewsFix is like watching a bad junior high video project. Who's the intended audience? It must be either junior high schoolers or those who never managed to get out of junior high.

It would be more productive use of time and a community service for Channel 39 to just show a test pattern during NewsFix's timeslot. The test pattern would probably be better produced and draw a more intelligent audience.

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I'm 30 and like the format. I don't like all the stories, but I can handle more of them then the local news on the other stations. Its still quite low, probably pay attention to a quarter of it when its on, but that's a lot more than I can normally take. The Day in Pictures segment is always good - unique things like that get me to tune in on occasion. Otherwise I can just get any news/sports/weather i want online, and I can pick and chose.

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