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The Houston Heights Red and White food stores

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I was surfing the web when I ran a cross this post by J.R. Gonzales of the Houston Chronicle but could not find a place to post a reply so I decided to post here with my friends. See the Article below. You can follow the original post and other great stories of Houston's past here: http://blog.chron.com/bayoucityhistory/2009/11/remember-the-red-white/#comment-3678 Please give thanks to Mr. J.R. Gonzales.


Betty Marcontell

Sarah Goolsby on Heights Boulevard, circa 1916.

Bayou City History reader Betty Marcontell recently sent me this 1916 photo of her great-grandmother Sarah Goolsby on Heights Boulevard. What struck me — other than the cow — were the homes behind her. I haven’t had the chance to check it out, but I wonder if some of those homes are still standing.

Marcontell also forwarded Goolsby’s 1957 obit. Goolsby was known in the community back then for opening one of the first Red & White stores in Houston. I couldn’t find anything about the local store in our archive, but does anyone here recall that chain?

It Seems that I might have stumbled across something linking the Red and White Stores to the Heights area in of all places the local Fiesta store in between 14th St. and Studewood. They have quite a few awesome pictures of the old Heights hanging on the walls and this one (below) caught my eye.


Sorry for the bad picture but it was taken with a camera phone; I will try to get a better picture of it but for now you can feel free to go down to the Studewood Fiesta super market and check out the all the wonderful pictures. No one knows for sure where the location/address of the store located in the Heights was or if there was one even located in the Heights. The picture below is what I beleive might have a possible location.


Let me know if any of you guys know any more about this. Thanks and I will post any other updates that I might find.


Edited by sinister1
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