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Elizabeth Taylor


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For many younger HAIF members, the death of an obsolete actress might not mean much. The movies she made may be a mere historic curiosity.

The praise and media attention might be only an irritation; unrest in other countries and natural disasters dominate the news.

The photographs? The hair and makeup are dated. She doesn't register as 'hot'. No Jersey Shore gal was she.

Yet ... the legendary beauty of Elizabeth Taylor shall endure. She was known, universally, as a true beauty. My earliest memories of her were photographs on the covers of the cheap newspapers my parents wouldn't buy. Even then, she fascinated me.

Later in life, when my friends were dying, and no one seemed to care - Elizabeth Taylor (and who cares about some actress?) - she was a substantial figure, who put it on the line. She mentioned AIDS way before the president did, and then DID something about it. She shocked people into action. I'm grateful; also, I love her as an actress. What a presence!


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