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I'm happy to announce the release of yet another way to HAIF.


For iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Right now, HAIF:App is for iPhone only. An Android version is in the works. It is optimized for iPad, which is good because we have way more HAIFers using iPads than Android phones.

HAIF:App is not coded by me. I tried, and failed to make a HAIF app on my own, so this is the one that comes from the company that makes the main HAIF software. That means feature requests and bug reports will be noted, but not necessarily acted upon quickly since they will go in to a big bucket with feature requests from hundreds of other internet fora also using this program.

Here's some screenshots:

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Here's how to get HAIF:App

  • Click here to download
  • If you did this from your phone, pad, or touch, you'll end up with an icon on your device. If you do it from the web browser, you'll have to sync it over.
  • HAIF lives in the icon labeled "IPB" -- the name of the company that makes the software. Tap the icon to start it.

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  • Press the + button to add HAIF to the application and enter the following values:
  • Title: HAIF
  • URL: TheHAIF.com
  • User: Your login name
  • Password: Your password

Once you're all set up, you can go back and press the blue Settings button and you'll have a new setting called "Notification Options." These allow you to get notifications pushed to your phone when things happen at HAIF. Experiment with the settings until you find a method that works for you. Right now the options are to be notified of these events:
  • Replies to my statuses
  • Replies to statuses I have relied to
  • Friends status updates
  • Profile comments
  • Pending comments
  • Adds me as a friend
  • Pending friend request
  • Friend request approved
  • New conversation (PM)
  • Replies to conversations
  • Invited to a conversation
  • Reported content (moderators only)
  • New topics
  • Topic replies
  • My posts being quoted

I think the last one is the most important for most people.

If you have any questions or problems, post them here, PM me, or e-mail me at editor@houstonarchitecture.com.

Here's more screenshots:

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Is there a way... I notice when you take a photo, it looks like you can only save to your album. Is there a way to then get photos from the album to a post ?

Update... Checking my gallery on the desktop.. it doesn't appear the photos i took saved.

Edited by Highway6
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Looks like there is a third-party app that supports Android: http://www.tapatalk.com/

I have to install some kind of software on my server to make it work, but I'm OK with that. I'll let you know when it's ready.

I have Tapatalk and would love to be able to read HAIF on it. It's not just for chatting about Spanish appetizers. :)

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I have Tapatalk and would love to be able to read HAIF on it. It's not just for chatting about Spanish appetizers. :)

You're funny.

It looks like if I install the Tapatalk software that it will allow people to use the Tapatalk apps for iPhone, Android, Nokia, and there seems to be a beta app for BlackBerry.

There seems to be a lot of bugs and quality issues with all of the versions of the apps, but maybe it works enough for most people to consider better than Diet HAIF. Especially if it lets you post photos in messages, which the official app does not.

I've signed up for a forum owner account. Sorry I didn't get the software installed yet; yesterday was pumpkin patch day. I'll try to get on it later today.

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You're funny.

It looks like if I install the Tapatalk software that it will allow people to use the Tapatalk apps for iPhone, Android, Nokia, and there seems to be a beta app for BlackBerry.

There seems to be a lot of bugs and quality issues with all of the versions of the apps, but maybe it works enough for most people to consider better than Diet HAIF. Especially if it lets you post photos in messages, which the official app does not.

I've signed up for a forum owner account. Sorry I didn't get the software installed yet; yesterday was pumpkin patch day. I'll try to get on it later today.

:) Any word? Me and my Google Nexus await! :)

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:) Any word? Me and my Google Nexus await! :)

Installed, and apparently working. At least on my iPhone.

Get the software here: http://www.tapatalk.com/

Looks like it supports iPhone, Android, Nokia, and there's a beta version for BlackBerry.

I don't know about the other platforms, but the iPhone version is free for a "read only" version, and $2.99 for one that lets you be interactive. Let me know if it's the same for the others.

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