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Texas' Only Ritz-carlton Hotel And The Residences

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I guess i blame myself for this thread becoming the DALLAS VS HOUSTON thing because i did ask the question which sparked it all as to why Dallas gets the Ritz Carlton. But i did say that i wasn't trying to sound like i was hatin' (or JEALOUS for all you old fogies!!!)

Sorry to HAIF and Dallas members on this site! I'm such a fuc%%in' idiot! :)

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willy, go back and read your very first and second sentence.  it's clear you were stating that dallas has a wealthy prestigious, whatever image and houston does not.  you started this not vice versa.  weird stuff man.  wierd.

Here is what I said "...Dallas gets the Ritz because Dallas is the Texas city that most fits the "image" that the Ritz associates itself with. Houston, Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio are all hot, growing Texas/Sunbelt cities, but all of them lack the "prestigious" image that Dallas has continued to promote" In the second paragraphe, I did say in the second paragraph that the other cities (not just houston) aren't as wealthy. I admit that I probably spoke too soon on that one because there really isn't any reliable way to determine whether or not one city is wealthier than another.... You can use median income, but that's not a fair picture. You can use Forbes, but that's not a good measure either... There simply isn't a good way to measure - and really... who cares. Both are wealthy cities. Period. But, I do think it was pretty clear that I was talking about "perceptions" more so than actual black and white absolutes... And, I still stand behind the fact that - regardless whether or not it's a fact - Dallas is percieved as being the wealthiest place in Texas.... and is more recognized for its wealth than Houston, FW, Austin, or San Antonio. That's all I was saying...

tierwestah - you didn't start the problem. You simply asked an innocent question. I provided information that I should have known would have been high controversial on here so I'm probably more responsible for the argument than anyone. Last time I throw out information without thinking about whether or not it will insight a cyber-riot. LOL

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Guest Mr. X

People keep confusing "information" with "opinion". This forum seems to be about 99% opinion.

I know I shouldn't post this because I really wish this lame thread would just die already.

Relax Houston, everyone in America knows that Dallas sucks and Houston rocks. (information)

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People keep confusing "information" with "opinion". This forum seems to be about 99% opinion.

I know I shouldn't post this because I really wish this lame thread would just die already.

Relax Houston, everyone in America knows that Dallas sucks and Houston rocks. (information)

I guess that by "everyone in america" you mean "everyone in harris county" because out side of Texas, Houston translates to nothing more than "Houston we have a problem". Please. The obvious insecurity and jealousy of Dallas in this forum is just sad. I completely understand it because seriously Dallas does get WAY more attention than it deserves. I am so Pro-Houston. I actaully really like Houston a lot, but seriously, you people need to get a grip. Houston is actually a great city. It really is. The problem is Houston has an identity crisis.... Fort Worth has the exact same problem. FW and H-town have sort of the same feel, only on much different scales. They are both such gold mines that no one knows about!!! You have a great culture. You have great museums. You have NASA. Houston is super-urban, and really modern and forward. You have so much to offer the world. The problem is, no one knows Houston even exists... except the people who live in Texas/Houston. Seriously... I know Houston has had major exposure, but it is so fleeting. Superbowl smooperbowl. Who cares. Even Dallas people ignore the hell out of Houston. So there was a big football game. Woo Hoo... what else happens there the rest of the year. I'm not being a jerk. I'm being serious. Dallas has even less going on, but thanks to the media, it's not PERCIEVED that wya. There is that word again.. perceived.... I don't mean any of this talk as an insult to Houston, it is just the way it is - and I suspect that is the source of why there is so much Houston-based hostility toward Dallas. It's the classic Marsha, Marsha, Masha" thing. Only in here it's "Dallas, Dallas, Dallas". I get it. It is annoying. I totally agree. Unfortunately, it's just a fact of life. San Antonio has busted their ass putting themselves on the map. 20 years ago San Antonio had an image that was very much like the image that El Paso has never been able to shed. Everyone though of SA the way they think of EP today - very low income, poorly educated, and mostly over-the-border people. I know that's not politically correct, but it's true. Austin has let the world know that they are the place to go if you're into live music. Fort Worth has lived in the shadow of Dallas for so long that they don't know what to do with all the attention they are getting now... Houston's size doesn't make it immune to the Dallas "phenonemnon". Dallas just got lucky in that Hollywood took notice and put it on the map. Question is "why?" Personally, I thinik the only reason is because "Dallas" was just simple and easy to say. Chicago is a better city in many ways than NYC. But, it will never mesure up because it's always been counted as second best because it's so much smaller and because it's sort of an after thought to NYC. Houston is very similar to Chicago in that it is a really great city that has in larger part been overlooked for the greatness that it deserves. I really love Houston. - minuse those VW size mosquitio's yall have down there. It really is one of the jewels of Texas. It's just a lesser known jewel because there was never a "Houston" TV show that made it a global phenomenon the way that "Dallas" propelled the city of Dallas. Hey, I'm the first to admit that the city of Dallas has some serious problems - and the biggest one's last name is MILLER!. But, you cannot deny the fact that on a global scale, Houston simply can't compete in terms of "brand name" recognition. Dallas just got lucky that way. On a global scale Dallas' recogniton value ranks up there with NYC, LA, Vegas, Chicago... etc. You walk up to some random person in some random city in Europe or really anywhere in the world and ask them if they've ever heard anything about "Dallas" and immediately they're talking about JR and cowboys and horses and oil... I do not mean it as in insult when I say that those same people may have "heard of" houston, but they MIGHT not be able to nail down anything specific about the city iteself. Hell, I'm a native Texan and other than Nasa and Oil, I can't even identify what Houston's core "identity" is all about. Seriously, I think that of all the major cities in Texas, Houston has the biggest identity problem. SA = Alamo. FW = Cowtown. Dallas = JFK, Dallas Cowboys, JR Ewing, Oil, etc. Austin = live music, hippy-town, hollywood of the south. Houston = Nasa and Enron? Seriously... that's all that comes to mind. Houston isn't well known for culture or Texas history... So what is H-town's claim to fame??? And there in lies the problem... if you have to explain it.. then, well...

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"It really is one of the jewels of Texas. It's just a lesser known jewel because there was never a "Houston" TV show that made it a global phenomenon the way that "Dallas" propelled the city of Dallas."

Oh, now you're trashing 'Houston Knights' and 'Animal Cop - Houston'?

That's it, buddy. It'sOn! :P

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"It really is one of the jewels of Texas. It's just a lesser known jewel because there was never a "Houston" TV show that made it a global phenomenon the way that "Dallas" propelled the city of Dallas."

Oh, now you're trashing 'Houston Knights' and 'Animal Cop - Houston'? 

That's it, buddy.  It'sOn!    :P

I've never heard of Houston Knights... but I LOVE Animal Cops - Houston. It's even better than Cops in Fort Worth. LOL....

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i think willy1 hit the nail on the head by what he said. i think dallas' diverse economy also helped them out a little bit too. houston may have mor f500 co., but all but 6 are oil or energy related. i think dallas and atlanta has some of the most diverse economies in the south. also, because of this correlation to oil and energy, houston seems kinda blue collar, and dallas has rid itself of that image

dallas just says....TEXAS, when someone mentions texas is one of the fastest growing states, they automatically think dallas first. also, their airport being in the top ten in the world did not help houston out.

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Guest Mr. X

Spare us the Dallas infomercial. No one in America gives a rat's ass about Dallas.

Living here in San Francisco, when anyone brings of the subject of Dallas most people I've met, including me, think of backwards thinking, bible thumpers, and hicks with REALLY bad taste. After coming to this website I have to add one more - insecure types with chips on their shoulders.

I have to go to Dallas 2 or 3 times a year on business and my shared opinion of Dallas is that there is nothing very unique or special about it. No one in my office looks forward to going there. Seems kind of bland. If Dallas were a sandwich, it would be 2 pieces of white bread with nothing in the middle.

Dallas can only be compared to Houston. It can't even be meantioned in the same sentence with New York, Chicago, L.A, and SF . You'd be laughed out of town if you tried selling this "Dallas is awesome" b.s. here.

I've never actually lived in Dallas or Houston but I have to go to both cities often. It seems to me that Houston and Dallas are far more similar than they are different. Just about anything one can say about one, can also be said about the other. But I'd take a trip to Houston over Dallas any day. Mostly because I like the people better. I love the "take us the way we are or go to hell" attitude. Houston's got a stronger character.

Say anything bad about Dallas and those guys will type their fingers to the bone trying to make you believe Dallas is so wonderful.

It ain't - and only a moron would buy that "image" crap.

I must be more bored tonight than I thought for adding these flames to this silly fire.

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Living here in San Francisco, when anyone brings of the subject of Dallas most people I've met, including me, think of backwards thinking, bible thumpers, and hicks with REALLY bad taste. After coming to this website I have to add one more - insecure types with chips on their shoulders.

Hey Mr. X, do you have an opinion on Atlanta? Like, comapred to Houston and Dallas, do you think more similar, less similar? Backward? Hicks? Where do you in SF place ATL in the personality hierarchy?


It's all a matter of perception, of course; that, and a lack of curiosity to test the perceptions.

Living outside of the bay area, everyone thinks San Francisco is a city of debauched homosexuals. If San Francisco were a sandwich, it would be two pieces of French bread, soppy with white gravy, and whew - no telling what kind of meat makes that sandwich.

Compared to SF, Dallas and Houston are bland, and I dont think it's unreasonable to say many folks in Texas could be included among the backward thinking, bible thumping hicks with bad taste.

And, can any proud Texan deny the shoulder chip? If you are a proud Texan, the chip is just a part of your broad shoulders.

There's nothing wrong with a hick, an Apocalyptic Christian, a conceited urban hipster or a debauched homosexual; it becomes wrong, in my opinion, with the search for validity to disapprove of another lifestyle. At best, we get some good satirical humor, as worst someone dies. Whatever. People too easily get caught up in finding fault with others. Is what it is, aint gonna change this year.

Dallas and Houston are just beginning to grow into the urban suit of a very large population. Cars and A/C made these metropolitian stastical areas grow into excellent family rearing envrionments. Continueing today, most people moving to Texas cities expect to have kids and want a big house with a yard. Building to the family conveniences shaped Dallas and Houston during 30 years of fantastic population growth.

These are two very large suburban metro areas with urban environments taking shape, and these urban settings are envisioned through the most sophisticated approach to city planning of any American city to date. It's nothing special to Texas or Dallas or Houston, it's just special to the times. Almost all of the suburban metros across the country will receive a dose of new urbanism in the attempt to create areas with very high population density. The sophistication will become evident as the high density urban population within each metro is tailored to the specific metro; overpopulation will NOT be the source of societal conflicts in the New Urban cities. Dallas and Houston have the luxury to build up 'the city' to fit the infrastructure and amenities provided from the suburban bounty.

It's just a matter of time, I think within a generation, before worldly perceptions of Dallas and Houston include an awareness of the additions to the collection of Urban American cityscapes. Given the foundation of suburban sprawl, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, and other sunbelt cities have the luxury to guide the infusion of non-suburban city settings. The quality of city life in the new American city centers could very possibly exceed that of the older American cities; certainly the new urban cityscapes will become something measurablly different, much the way NYC, Chicago, Boston, SF etc. are measurablly different from the even older European urban city scapes.

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ummm...guys does it really matter. Taking a lesson from my church <grin>. Just a reference to Mr. X. But we will just keep doing our thing here in Dallas and there in Houston. We know we've got the goods in both cities, and both places are excelling. I watch as people come here by relocation, business travel or a visit. Its only those closed minded individuals with a little too much pride that think there is no meat in that sandwich. Keeping them from really getting outside their hotels and confereneces to see the wonderful things we have to offer. I always here it that these people "had no idea" what our cities have to offer. People on the East and West coast honestly put there places above all else. Coming from me living in NYC before. Fine by me, if you ask me. Because we do not pay extrodary taxes, rent, general cost of living as they do. The character, well, umm ya.... I rather have a good quality of life then be crammed in a place with hundreds of other people paying 300,000 for a 600 sq ft place because the town has more quote "character."

Here in Texas we are bringing it to the table, with new designs by top world architects, and building on the mistakes and prosperous solutions that other older cities have already embarked on in the East and West coasts. So if they want to slam Houston and Dallas then so be it. It's all good.... I just will take my cheaper rent in downtonw Dallas ($1.25/sq ft) with a 5 min commute to work and watch as my city transform and be proud I am a part of it. There are wonderful things both these cities have to offer whether they are similar or not.

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LOL.... well if no one in America (thanks for speaking on behalf of the other 300 million Americans, by the way) gives as rats ass about Dallas, then why in the world would someone from the almighty, yet shrinking, San Fransisco bother to dig all the way down to the Dallas-Fort Worth Sub-forum within the Houston Forum just to post some smears and insults about Dallas and Texans? I mean, if you really don't give a rats ass about either Dallas or Houston, then why are you on the Houston Forum, reading threads about Dallas? And, even more interesting is the fact that, although you live in SF, you still have to come here for work. Thanks for the dollars and contributing to our ever-growing economies bro... If I were you I'd be praying really hard that your employer doesn't trasfer you, or heaven forbid, move their entire HQ to either Dallas or Houston - which just happen to be two of the fastest growing cities and relocation sites in the country.

One last thing... there are roughly 11 million people who I'm quite sure do care a lot about Dallas and Houston --- the people who live in those two huge metro areas... You might want to check your shoulder... there seems to be something on it.

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Guest Mr. X

On behalf of 300 million Americans, your welcomed.

I might move to Houston if I had too. But NEVER Dallas. Since nothing interest me in Dallas I rarely spend any money there.

Unlike Dallas, no one ever has to defend SF. Shrinking or not, the people here seem confident about SF's statis in the world. No need to sell it. Seems beyond defending in a forum like this.

I had to do a little research about some Houston office buildings. This website and this thread accidently caught my eye. It's right on the 1st page of the website. There were so many silly things said about Dallas and Houston that I just had to poke my nose in and give an outsider's unwelcomed opinion. My 8th post.

But I'm a little curious as to why someone from Dallas comes to a website about Houston Architechure all the time trying to convince people about how much higher in world Dallas is compared to Houston? Get real, like it or not, Dallas is more like Houston than any other city in America.

I was a little too harsh implying that all Texans are hicks, ect.. I know thats not true. I'm backing off from that statement right now. I just wrote that so I could watch the sparks fly. But I stand by the rest. Hank Hill, Boonhower, President Bush, and Tom Delay are your new spokesmen. Let see how they shape Texas' image.

But before I get banned from this website for adding gasoline to the fire, I just want to say that I may not agree with you Willy, but I admire your relentless promotion of your town. It's what Dallasite's do best.

I'm giving you the last rant.

Take care.

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