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Houston Is U.S. Teen Pregnancy Capital


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I'm not saying sex doesn't feel good. Of course it does. What I'm saying is the satisfaction is very temporal and does not ultimately make one happy. Happiness is what many kids and adults are looking to get out of it, but it just doesn't last. One must continue to have sex to produce that happiness. What happens when they cannot find a partner, is the happiness gone? Well, I guess they resort to mastrubation and pornography or even those of the same sex. Hopefully none turn to prostitution, little kids or raping. The satisfaction is not worth the risk of all the bad stuff that can happen with sex out of wedlock.

What kind of B.S is that?

Teens don't give a rats ass about "long term happiness" when it comes to sex. They don't even care about what's going to happen the next day. It's all about having it..... it's the curiosity and the conquest and the achievement... both male and female. And they will "continue to have sex to produce that happiness"...... by having it again. Human nature. After all.. we're no different than animals when it comes to physical attraction and sex. Sure, some people fall in love with their sweetheart, get married, have sex, make babies and have your "long-term happiness".... but the majority of teenagers want to have sex all the way through college... THEN consider... hmmmm... maybe it's time to settle down with one person for some long term happiness..... and it's not until THEN that they figure out the benefits of expanding your sexual horizons with one person....

You forget that a teenager is years away from connecting the mental to the physical... it's all physical as a teen (except for many females of course) .... the majority of them having sex have no clue what they're doing... it's nothing but the physical satisfaction they care about.

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To all the moral purists out there...

Your kids are absolutely going to hate living under your roof. And not in the good, healthy way.

"Dad wants to go camping with us... AGAIN! For the love of God, why can't we just go out with our friends!"

I've made several personal observations that kids who live under such regimes end up more screwed in the head than kids with normal parents.

Edited by BryanS
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To all the moral purists out there...

Your kids are absolutely going to hate living under your roof. And not in the good, healthy way.

"Dad wants to go camping with us... AGAIN! For the love of God, why can't we just go out with our friends!"

I've made several personal observations that kids who live under such regimes end up more screwed in the head than kids with normal parents.

Same with the private school kids.. most notably.. the "religous" ones... Christian schools.. Catholic schools... these kids end up pretty darn abnormal in my opinion. Probably because once they get out... and have to live LIFE.... they don't know how to interact with people that are different than them... because they think the rest of the World has the problem.

I'd rather my teenager have sex every week, not get pregnant and not get STD's......... and grow up normal..... vs. some of these kids you are referring to. And we've all known these kinds of kids and their parents.............

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Same with the private school kids.. most notably.. the "religous" ones... Christian schools.. Catholic schools... these kids end up pretty darn abnormal in my opinion.

Nine years of Catholic school here. If you consider me "pretty darn abnormal," then I'll take that as a badge of honor.

Probably because once they get out... and have to live LIFE.... they don't know how to interact with people that are different than them...

It appears that on HAIF you're the only one having trouble interacting with the group.

because they think the rest of the World has the problem.

Right back 'atcha.

I think we're done here. This thread no longer serves its original purpose.

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